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Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:27 pm
by Kiji8989
Ok, so I admit that I've been real lazy with my game. And I admit making an rpg as big as I first imagined was going over my head a bit. So I had a thought. Why not make a maze game? You could still hunt and stuff but the only difference is the puzzles. (and no coats)

But I was wondering if you could use bump mapping to make a maze, or has anyone else tried it and their character had an episode trying to get through.

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:56 pm
by ardentcrest
There is a tool for quake maps that allow you to draw your level as a 2d bitmap and the color of the walls determines where windows and doors will be placed. You can use this tool to create a .MAP file and then import it in to the RF editor, might save you some time. :twisted:

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:08 pm
by Matte
ardentcrest wrote:There is a tool for quake maps that allow you to draw your level as a 2d bitmap and the color of the walls determines where windows and doors will be placed. You can use this tool to create a .MAP file and then import it in to the RF editor, might save you some time. :twisted:
That looks cool! I needed to create some maps fast anyway. Thanks!

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:33 pm
by ardentcrest
It is good.

Had a post a while ago ... it=bmp2map

I was looking for a programmer to update it for RF

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:23 am
by nap
Hello! this looks exactly like what i was looking for! does it actually work?

edit: i tried it, but dont get it to work. no matter what i draw, I end up with a map with 6 brushes. the log says:

Code: Select all

BMP2MAP (v.06) - converts 256 color .BMPs into Quake(tm) .MAPs
Copyright(C) 1997 - Silicon Slick's Software, Supplies and Support Services
BMP2MAP comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  See GPL.TXT for details
Currently: 11/12/2008 - 12:42:11.13    (last compiled:Aug 23 1997 15:22:02)


       Source file: SAMPLE6.bmp
Configuration file: SAMPLE6.cfg
      Output files: and SAMPLE6.en1
   Logging to file: SAMPLE6.log.
Initializing configuration from SAMPLE6.cfg.

                  Auto lighting: 1
  Auto light interval in Qunits: 256
   Intensity for light entities: 300
         Auto info_player_start: 0
    Put brushes in "worldspawn": 1
           Put entities in .MAP: 1
               CD track to play: 0
   Seal sides with walls of sky: 1
    Seal with ceiling and floor: 1

   Beginning message (map name): Sample .MAP for BMP2MAP v.06
   WAD name containing textures: sample.wad
     Wall/Ceiling/Floor texture: wbrick1_5
                    Sky texture: sky4
                   Door texture: door02_3
Frame texture for windows/doors: sliplite

          Quake units per pixel: 8
  Quake units for outer brushes: 64
               Floor to ceiling: -64 to 128
              Window bottom/top: -32 to 32
                       Door top: 64

        Palette index for walls: 0
Palette index for blank windows: 10
        Palette index for doors: 2
  Palette index for door frames: 245
Palette index for skyed windows: 193
Palette index for skyed ceiling: 15

   Index for teleport platforms: -1
      Teleport platform texture: tele_top (64 x 64)

    Texture of brushes to carve: carve_me
                Trigger texture: trigger
 Carve Floor: -1  Carve Ceiling: -1  Carve Both: -1  Trigger: -1

             Arrow textures are: barrow & rarrow (32 x 32)
     Palette indices for arrows:
    RN: -1 RS: 91 RE: -1 RW: -1 BN: -1 BS: 95 BE: -1 BW: -1

   WAD name containing textures: sample.wad
        0 entities using colors: 

Reading file SAMPLE6.bmp
.BMP is 254786 bytes long.  Image offset is 1078.
Header: 40 bytes   Image: 253708 bytes
474 x 533 pixels w/ 0 colors, 0 of which are "important"
Pixels/Meter = 0 x 0
X: -1904 to 1888  by Y: -2136 to 2120
6 brushes written to SAMPLE6.mp1.
776816 brushes written to SAMPLE6.mp3.
224 entities written to SAMPLE6.en1.
Reading file SAMPLE6.mp1
6 brushes - brush structure is 14 bytes
573128 bytes of available RAM.
Working with 6 brushes at a time
573032 bytes of available RAM.
Brushes: 6 / Capacity: 6 > 50% - increasing capacity to 12
0 brushes left to read.
Finishing brush compression.
Writing 6 brushes to .MP2 file.
Deleting temporary file SAMPLE6.mp1.
Deleting temporary file SAMPLE6.mp3.
Reading file SAMPLE6.mp2
Deleting temporary file SAMPLE6.mp2.
Reading entities from SAMPLE6.en1 and putting in

Done... 6 brushes written to

Finished - 11/12/2008 - 12:42:22.33 - Time = 11 seconds

Can you tell me what is going wrong?

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:38 pm
by paradoxnj
Is your bitmap 256 colors (8 bit)?

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:54 pm
by nap
paradoxnj wrote:Is your bitmap 256 colors (8 bit)?

Hi paradoxnj! It apparently wasnt. I was using mspaint and saved it as 256color bmp. But when i tried bmpal.exe on the bmp it said it wasnt. So I saved it with irfanview and after that bmpal.exe worked, but bmp2map still produces 6 brushes only...

it now says:

Code: Select all

Reading file SAMPLE6.bmp
.BMP is 82422 bytes long.  Image offset is 1078.
Header: 40 bytes   Image: 81344 bytes
247 x 328 pixels w/ 256 colors, 0 of which are "important"
Pixels/Meter = 0 x 0
X: -992 to 984  by Y: -1320 to 1296
6 brushes written to SAMPLE6.mp1.
90312 brushes written to SAMPLE6.mp3.
70 entities written to SAMPLE6.en1.
Reading file SAMPLE6.mp1
6 brushes - brush structure is 14 bytes
573128 bytes of available RAM.
Working with 6 brushes at a time
573032 bytes of available RAM.
Brushes: 6 / Capacity: 6 > 50% - increasing capacity to 12
0 brushes left to read.
Finishing brush compression.
Writing 6 brushes to .MP2 file.
Deleting temporary file SAMPLE6.mp1.
Deleting temporary file SAMPLE6.mp3.
Reading file SAMPLE6.mp2
Deleting temporary file SAMPLE6.mp2.
Reading entities from SAMPLE6.en1 and putting in

Done... 6 brushes written to

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:19 pm
by paradoxnj
Can you post your bitmap?

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:22 pm
by paradoxnj
Did you read the readme.txt and follow the usage instructions?
USE: Copy bmp2map.exe to the subdirectory containing the bitmaps
you want to convert. .BMPs must be 8-bit (256 color)
and must be uncompressed (not .RLE).

Create a .CFG to control the conversion process (details below).
You can use SAMPLE.CFG as a base.

The command line is:

BMP2MAP <name1.BMP> [<name2.CFG>]

The .CFG name is optional. If provided, the output files
(.MAP and .EN1) will use name2. Otherwise, they'll use
name1. BMP2MAP will first attempt to load configuration
data from name2.CFG (if provided). Failing that, it will
try name1.CFG. Failing that, it will try BMP2MAP.CFG.
Failing that, it will quit.

You _must_ edit the .CFG file to control how the
conversion is done. Simply change the value of the
keys described below. Important keys include
the palette indices to use for doors/walls/sky etc.
You'll need to use a paint program to determine
the palette index of the colors used.

The wadfile name is easiest set by looking at a previously
created .MAP file on your system.

If you use the autolight, make sure to set the interval
appropriately. 8000 lights in a level tends to croak
some editors.

arrowtexturequnits - size of red/blue arrow textures in Quake units
autolight - If 1, spread some lights around the level. If 0, don't.
autolightqunits - defines spacing, in Quake units, between lights
autostart - If 1, put an info_player_start in the center of the map
bluearrowtexture - name of texture for blue arrows (eg. BARROW)
blueeastarrowcolor - palette index of blue arrow point east
bluenortharrowcolor - "" north
bluesoutharrowcolor - "" south
bluewestarrowcolor - ""west
carveceilingcolor - create a brush to carve a hole in the ceiling
carvebothcolor - like ceiling but also floor
carvefloorcolor - like ceiling but for floor
cdtrack - CD track number to play when map starts
ceiling - Quake coordinates for the ceiling (eg. 64)
ceilingtexture - Quake texture to use for the ceiling (eg. CEILING1_3)
doorcolor - palette index of color used to represent doors
doorframecolor - framed doorway sans door brush
doortexture - Quake texture to use for doors (eg. DOOR02_03)
doortop - Quake coordinates for level of door tops (eg. 48)
entity - entity color,name (eg. entity=104,item_rockets)
floor - Quake coordinates for the floor (eg. -64)
floortexture - Quake texture to use for the floor (eg. AFLOOR1_8)
frametexture - texture for top/bottom of window/door frame brushes
joinentmap - if 1, copy entity (.EN1) file to end of .MAP file
lightlevel - intensity for individual light entities put into level
mapname - level start msg (underscores in name replaced with spaces)
membrushes - max # of brushes in mem - smaller = quicker compression
outerqunits - thickness of ceiling,floor and sealing walls (if used)
qunitsperpel - controls the number of Quake units for each pixel (eg. 16)
redarrowtexture - name of texture for red arrows (eg. RARROW)
redeastarrowcolor - palette index of red arrow point east
rednortharrowcolor - "" north
redsoutharrowcolor - "" south
redwestarrowcolor - ""west
sealsides - if 1, write wall of sky around level
sealtopbottom - if 1, write floor/ceiling brushes
skyceilingcolor - texture ceiling with sky
skytexture - Quake texture to use for sky (eg. SKY4)
skywincolor - palette index of color used for windows filled with sky
teleplatformcolor - palette index for teleport destination platforms
teleplatformtexture - texture for teleport destination platforms
- size, in Quake units, of teleport destination texture
triggercolor - palette index to represent trigger brushes
wadname - name of .WAD file the textures can be found in
wallcolor - palette index of color used to represent walls
walltexture - Quake texture to use for walls (eg. TECH03_2)
wincolor - palette index of color used to represent empty windows
windowbottom - Quake coordinates for level of window bottom (eg. -24)
windowtop - Quake coordinates for level of window top (eg. 24)
worldspawn - if 1, enclose brushes in "worldspawn"

Once your map is created, just load it into your favorite editor
to tweak the directions of the monsters and info_player_*'s.
Then QBSP/LIGHT/VIS/Quake it.

Have fun!!! Impress the kids. Tell them mommy/daddy can
turn any picture they draw into a playable Quake map. ;)

[Note from first release]
"This is probably as far as I'm going to take this program."

Obviously, that was a lie. I will make no such claim this time. ;)

If you like this program, please feel free to e-mail me
and tell me what you're doing with it.

I would like to hear about any problems from those who
can't get it to work after reading this file.

jack (aka Silicon Slick)
Clan 13th Man -

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:24 pm
by nap
Sure. And thank you for your help!

hm first it said bmp is not allowed as attachement. Now: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:32 pm
by nap
[quote="paradoxnj"]Did you read the readme.txt and follow the usage instructions?
yes I did. Anything particular in mind? I drew the walls black and changed the palette index for windows and doors to the colours I used. (At least I think I did it correctly).

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:26 pm
by ardentcrest
Now you see why I was trying to get a programmer to update this, and put a nice GUI on to it for editting the bmp file.

hope you can get it working.

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:38 pm
by nap
do you run this website and Reality Factory?
I tried to upload the bmp file, but the forum didnt let me....
it says: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:23 pm
by Jay
Try to upload the file to a file hosting website (like, or try to zip it and then upload it here. Bmp files can get really big.
If you have problems with your upload quota, maybe you ask QoD to rise your upload quota, i think he is the only one who can do this. But really i think it is better to just use a file hosting website, the attachment quota originally was only for 'small' thinghs like jpg pictures or such. But as there are also picture hosting services like the only reason to use the forum's attachment function would be lazyness.

Also, i could imagine that this helps to keep the forums speed high. :wink:

Re: Bump mapping and mazes

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:16 am
by nap
ok. I didnt think of that. Here it is: ... b9a8902bda

Does this work for anyone with bmp2map.exe?