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ModelStateModifier (bug or something)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:14 pm
by metal_head
OK,I'm sure I've done this before,but with an older version of RF (currently with 0.76). I wanna make a Jump pad for one of my levels, so I made a world model,named it Jumppad1 and put a ModelStateModifier entity for the model. I set the force vector to 0,1,0 (it was set by default actually). Set the force ammout to 150,the decay to 20 and copiled the level,but when I stepped on the model, nothing happened. The model just became empty and that's all. I opened the manual and looked at the example for jump pad there. I set everything as the example was showing and still the model was just empty and wasn't applying force to the player. Why is that?

Re: ModelStateModifier (bug or something)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:44 pm
by metal_head
Any ideas? I've been trying to release the demo for 3 weeks and there's always somethin gthat stops me.I got the feeling that it's because of the 0.76 release (which I'm using),because I have madew jump pads with an older version without a problem.

Re: ModelStateModifier (bug or something)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:03 pm
by dylanwinn
That's odd, the jump pads in the .76 techdemo work fine, although they occasionally catapult you outside the map. You should PM the Dev team (all of them) and ask to look at the demo map source.

Re: ModelStateModifier (bug or something)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:23 pm
by metal_head
Well,you say that you have done it in 0.76, so there's no need to bother the RF dev team (I hope).Now, here's a pic of my jump pad model and the player goingh through it,the model state modifier entity screenshot is on the right of the screen.
(the player is so balck,because I haven't put propper lightning in the level yet).
I tried remaking the model and the model state modifier,but npthing chaged.

EDIT I fixed it. On the screenshot you can see that the ForceImparter column is marked as false.That asn't the problem, I marked false,because I wanted to see where's the problem and forgot to return it. But the problem was somewhere else,because when I marked true back,there was no change,so I deleted the BSP file of the map and recompiled the level,it works now.