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Circuitcity=good deals

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:06 pm
by SithMaster
They have creative labs 2.1 speakers 10 usd and the expansion pack winter assualt for dawn of war for 10usd as well.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:16 am
by AndyCR
wow, thats awesome! :shock: i thought i got a good deal on 2.0 Altec Lansing low end (for Altec's, which is a really good brand at the low end) for 10 usd too... but 2.1?! wow.

another almost-too-good-to be true deal is unreal tournament 2004 for ten bucks (normal price, not sale, i think!) on

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:43 pm
by SithMaster
Well i went to circuitcity yesterday and they didnt have anymore. On friday they told me that they had more in back and to come on saturday. well they claim that they were snatched up his words. and then conviently they have a fresh stock today on sunday. :?

that is a good deal. the only better one ive seen for it was when ebgames gave it away free with upc from 2005.