Most ever on line

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Most ever on line

Post by ardentcrest »

Ywo or three years ago I said lets all get on line here, on christmas day we got about 10.


Most users ever online was 50 on Sun May 07, 2006 10:25 am/

lets see if we can top that.

You dont need to post just logon.

DATE Christmas day, 12pm GMT not 11 AM not 1 pm but mid day.

see you all there.................
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by Allanon »

Why pick Christmas? Most people will be doing other things with their family and friends.

Also 12:00PM GMT is 6:00AM where I live and I don't plan on being awake at that time on Christmas day.
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by ardentcrest »

If not christmas what about DEC 31 11pm GMT till 1 am JAN 1

Or does any one have any othe date.
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by Juutis »

I'm afraid neither of these days will work for me. I'll most likely be partying with my friends on New Years Eve and the Christmas Day I'll be spending with my family.

Anyway, do we even have 50 active members anymore? Well, we do have a lot of new guys and getting more than 50 people online would mean a lot of those guys have to come too. Which I doubt. Sorry for being a pessimist but I don't think we can pull this off. Although, I'd be glad if you guys proved me wrong. :)
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by paradoxnj »

Also 12:00PM GMT is 6:00AM where I live and I don't plan on being awake at that time on Christmas day.
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by ardentcrest »

paradoxnj wrote:
Also 12:00PM GMT is 6:00AM where I live and I don't plan on being awake at that time on Christmas day.
Your kids must be grown. :wink:

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Re: Most ever on line

Post by Allanon »

If you really want to get the most people then you will need to do a little research. First you should find the average day and time most people log in and set that as your target day and time. Then give people incentive to want to come such as making a few screen shots or demo of a game available to only those who log on at the correct time. And last but not least you should try to draw others that are not in the RF community by posting about the event on non RF related message boards, blogs, and news sites. But if you do that make sure the incentive to come is good so you don't make the RF community in to a joke. If all goes well then you will have topped the record and maybe drawn a few more people to RF.

These tactics were used a while back by Project Offset to gain publicity for their game engine. They posted new screen shots based upon the number of hits their web page encountered. Fans of the engine posted the link all over the internet trying to get the counter to increase so they could see more images. The stunt worked, they got millions of hits to their web page making people aware of their project and they also made their fans happy by giving them more images which can now be seen on their main web page.
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by metal_head »

Well, when I'm on my computer, I'm always online here, I just logon in the forums and minimize the page (the same I do with 3-4 other sites) soo even on christmas...I'm here :wink: (that doesn't ofcourse mean that I'm active, cuz as I said, I minimize the page and only from time to time I refresh it to see if there new posts.
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by ardentcrest »

me too. 8)
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Re: Most ever on line

Post by MakerOfGames »

I remember that day well, there was quite a slow in RF's forums and there was a post about how slow it was after a month or so the thread grew and eveyone joined in with their ideas and thoughts on it. It was actually that thread about why it was so dead that brought everyone back for awhile, which is very ironic. What we need to do is not to try and fake the number of most users online, we should just achieve it through getting more active members. We need to get a really good game with RF to take off and hit the public's eye. I think part of the problem is that the engine is very old. Its almost 15 years old now making it ancient by today's standards. Im not saying theres anything wrong with RF, as it is a great learning tool. I think its just that when people get over the learning phase and want to do more, RF can't handle it and so they look elsewhere.
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