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15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:00 am
by Trougedoor122
im a member of PC world and thy had this article on PC gaming. ... =nl_dnxnws
also here's the main site

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:14 pm
by Destron
I only need one reason: Keyboard and mouse. :P

But that's mainly for shooters. The allure of console gaming is the fact that you don't have to upgrade the system every year to play the latest games, and you don't have to sit at a desk to play. Also, the social/party aspect is often lost with PC gaming as well - games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero just wouldn't work as well with a PC.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:10 pm
by zany_001
I also prefer racing games on consoles.shooters are impossible for me on consoles though....

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:54 pm
by paradoxnj
The allure of console gaming is the fact that you don't have to upgrade the system every year to play the latest games, and you don't have to sit at a desk to play
There are wireless keyboards and mice now. You are no longer stuck at a desk with your PC either. All HD TVs have at least one DVI port on the back. You can hook up your computer to that, and voila, your computer is a console. I have this setup myself. I have a Sony 55 inchTV, NVidia GeForce 8800 with DVI out into my TV, wireless keyboard/mouse, wireless XBox360 gamepad, Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum hooked up to my 7.1 surround sound home theater system and Windows Vista. I browse the internet, play WoW, and sometimes do programming/sound work right from my couch.

Consoles are convienient for developers. The developers only have to worry about their game working on a specific set of hardware and piracy is lower on consoles than on PC.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:45 pm
by Trougedoor122
zany_001 wrote:I also prefer racing games on consoles.shooters are impossible for me on consoles though....
same here, i hate FPS games on consoles, it's to hard to aim. But i also like racing games on PC , you can easily buy a PC racing wheel.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:55 am
by zany_001
Although you can get mice for PS2s and other consoles, so that makes aiming much easier.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:49 am
by MakerOfGames
This article is incredibly biased with very weak points. The best console is the one that fits how you game and what games you like to play, not by anything else. This is incredibly disgusting to me that a professional would write this up and publish it. There is no "best console", it's personal preference. I find the article to be one that only aims to fuel fanboy flaming wars. That's my response to reading it. I'm not sure why people feel the need to justify why their console is the best, or a game or anything else is the best, it's all personal preference and choice. What is best for you isn't the best for others too.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:25 am
by ardentcrest
like I've always said "General Discussions" is just for Topics on Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:36 pm
by GMer
Those are the best topics, ardentcrest. :lol:
Computer vs Console... aren't console games programmed on computers? Granted computers need upgrades, but those probably cost less than buying a new console in a few years time.

Re: 15 reasons why PC gaming is better then console gaming

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:40 pm
by ardentcrest
GMer wrote:Those are the best topics, ardentcrest. :lol:
Computer vs Console... aren't console games programmed on computers? .

and most Windows O/S are created and coded on MAC'S :lol: