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Whack a mole w/ guns and wolves

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:14 am
by rgdyman
Hey all....

I had a little down time and decided to build just a very simple " Shoot The Wolf Face" game..(well. sorta a game)

The idea is to " excersise " a few skills in game creation from start to end.
Everyone that Downloads it should add their ideas and repost.
Helps people get a feel for ideas, how to execute the new found idea and possably improve it.. and so on.
Also, This small group excercise will help intoduce people somewhat of a group project.
( Not that this is a group title... just small " Got some time on my hands" type thing.)
This one took me 1 afternoon... about 3 hours or so.
I made a punch list of what had to be in the game and ran off to the editor.
few hours later....I had a game. Not much of a game but the elements are there.
I never did sit down and work the math out to make it challenging ,but.... it worked.

Everyone that Downloads it should add their ideas and repost.

Im deleting files not needed so the download will be as small as possable.
If you find I forgot something let me know. Im still very new to the packing and sending stuff.
The post will be up tonight (asap)

Game Rules and the such;
If you run out of bullets " GAME OVER"

The crate and flying bullet will give you ammo

The small guy running for his life at the bottom takes you " WOLF MISS" count down to zero. ( Thats Ernie btw)

Give me few and I'll get the files ready.. in the mean time let me know your opinion on this....

rgdy ... 88d0b204de

Re: Whack a mole w/ guns and wolves

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:00 am
by Juutis
Nice work there, mate. Just one thing: There's a problem with the wolf faces' bounding boxes. Turn on the entity bounding boxes in the debug menu to see it.

Re: Whack a mole w/ guns and wolves

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:59 pm
by rgdyman
Didnt notice that Juutis. thanks....
There 'fixed'

As this stands its a very pointless game. Need a boss or something.
any ideas?

well... looks like the score isnt working.....( did before I packed up)

I must of deleted the Attribute in the .ini file.

Re: Whack a mole w/ guns and wolves

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:16 pm
by ardentcrest
Nice for your first demo.

Nice, simple and fun.

Keep it up :D

Re: Whack a mole w/ guns and wolves

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:30 pm
by rgdyman
Thank you.. glad you like it :D

question.... what frame rate are people getting thus far and , a quick system spec of your pc would be great :D
( knowing frames should be high considering the small amount of things on screen but.. I'de like learn
how much buffer space I have to add in more stuff)

Thanks for the help :D
