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Electric Bolt 1 entity

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:56 pm
by itsstewy
Hello Folks,

I'm basically new to RFedit....and so far I feel things are going well, until I started working with entities.

I've searched the forums here for information on setting up the attributes for the Electric Bolt 1 entity, and found none. I also googled for the information with no success. Can anyone direct me too an entity tutorial....or help me with this.

I am able to place the entity, but when I open my level, it doesn't show. I'm assuming it has to do with the attributes.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

Re: Electric Bolt 1 entity

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:15 pm
by QuestOfDreams
You need to read the manual. It's all explained in there. :!: For an ElectricBolt entity to work, you must also place an ElectricBoltTerminus entity inside your level.