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Flipbooks And Framerate

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:14 am
by metal_head
Ok guys, so I made a cutscene level, in which I wanted to have a lot of holograms, so I did the holograms with flipbooks, but the problems is that the level got a little bit too laggy, so... my question is:

Does the size of the flipbook images matters for the framerate, the flipbooks I've used are 512 x 512, but I can reduce them to 256 x 256. I just want to know if that will boost the framerate, because if it won't change anything I don't need to make all the flipbooks 256 x 256

Re: Flipbooks And Framerate

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:33 pm
by QuestOfDreams
Usually the size difference between 256x256 and 512x512 textures shouldn't be a big problem on an average video card unless you're really using a lot of images. I rather think that (since you're speaking of holograms) the z-sorting due to transparency takes some time (or the flipbook entity is just too slow :P).

Re: Flipbooks And Framerate

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:52 pm
by metal_head
well my flipbooks have about 25 -27 frames MAX (there are also some, that have 9). I got a new faster PC since a week and a half (4GB RAM, Intel Core Duo 2.53 Ghz, Nvidia Gforce 9800GT 512MB) but this level still laggs :D, I'm sure it's because of the flipbooks, I stopped them and everything was fine with the framerate.
Here's a vid of the flipbooks, it doesn't look like the framerate's bad on the vid, but it'
s really bad: ... pbooks.wmv