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Weapon Positioning Thing

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:20 pm
by metal_head
Two questions:

1.I know there's not such thing in RF as Positioning the Muzzleflash, but I just wanna make sure that I'm not missing something. How is it possible to...some sort of position the muzzleflash that a weapon is using? I have a gun that has a firebone called "firebone" and in weapon.ini, "forebone" is defined as firebone, but the muzzleflash isn't attatched to that bone, so there mayne is something in the weapon positioning or something else that can set the muzzleflash position.
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2.The other thing is when I get very close to a wall and shoot, the projectile won't hit the wall, I have the feeling that it goes through the wall, but it doesn't... So where does it go and why is that happenning?