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Rain Suggestions
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:20 pm
by metal_head
Hey guys, I'm now making a winter level with snow. The problem is that the snow kills the framerate. I'm using the Rain entity and I don't really like the result. My question is:
Is there some way to farclip the rain? And if not, can you guys suggest what could I do to improvise the rain?
I was thinking of atatching the rain to a pawn that follows the player, but it wo't be very reallistic...
Any ideas?
Re: Rain Suggestions
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:33 pm
by Jay
Maybe you can make more than one entity? If you use several ones, it may be that RF can hide the ones outside of the view and also the ones behind the far clip plane. Also, I think the FloatingParticles entity is much better suited for snow than the Rain entity.
Re: Rain Suggestions
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:56 pm
by bernie
I was thinking of atatching the rain to a pawn that follows the player, but it wo't be very reallistic...
On the contrary I think it would be very realistic after all rain seems to follow me around wherever i go.
Seriously though the idea of several entites might well work, perhaps they could be triggered on and off at certain points in the level so that only one or two are working at any one time.
Re: Rain Suggestions
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:54 pm
by metal_head
Theese were some very cool suggestions, thanks bernie! I tried to make the snow with floaingparticles, attatched to a pawn, but the problem is that when the player moves, the particles move with him and that doesn't look really reallistic, but the framerate is really good! Now, if I attatch a rain entity to the pawn the particles will fall in a straight line one by one (like I've set the radius to "1"), I have no idea why is that.
As for the particles, take a look at the video, the framerate is really fast and it looks cool, except for that the particles move with the player
Re: Rain Suggestions
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:34 pm
by bernie
That looks pretty good MH.
Re: Rain Suggestions
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:44 pm
by metal_head
bernie wrote:That looks pretty good MH.
Thanks, I haven't put lights to the level yet though, but the particles move with the player
Also I can't use this for indoor places and this level is half-indoor and half-outdoor, I'll have to find a way to trigger the particles when I get out and than to disable them when I get in... the attatching may be a bad idea also...