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Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:05 pm
by metal_head
I downloaded a pack of textures, but they are all in tga format (without alphamaps, just tga). Will there be any difference in the framerate if I use the textures like the way they are (in tga format) or if I convert them to BMPs and than use them?

Re: TGA or BMP?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:52 pm
by zany_001
TGA can have colours stored in 32 bit format, which would probably have more data in it, however TGA's can be compressed. With BMPs, while you can compress them, RF probably can't read the compressed versions, although I don't know for sure. BMPs can only store data in 16 and 256 colour, which should contain less information per file. T o tell you the truth, you can find out the easiest by taking the TGA, noting the file size, and converting to a BMP, and then comparing.

Re: TGA or BMP?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:25 pm
by metal_head
Yeah, that sounds logical, I'll give it a try (the only problem is that the tetures are so much :D:D )

Re: TGA or BMP?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:16 pm
by Jay
I don't think it will make a speed difference, because both are loaded into an internal genesis3d-bitmap-format by RF.

RF can load 32Bit TGAs with Alpha-channel (I don't think compressed tgas are allowed) and 24Bit and 8Bit (256 colors) BMPs.

Re: TGA or BMP?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:24 pm
by metal_head
So I don't need to bother for that eh? Bad, because I spotted a slight FPS decrease in a part of a level that I'm working on. It's still about 70 FPS per second, but I don't like that when I jump and the FPS is low, I jump higher...also the headbobbing (which I'm not using) is slower when the FPS is slower, so I try to keep the FPS at it's maximum at all the time :D

Re: TGA or BMP?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:43 pm
by QuestOfDreams
Jay wrote:RF can load 32Bit TGAs with Alpha-channel (I don't think compressed tgas are allowed) and 24Bit and 8Bit (256 colors) BMPs.
RF supports uncompressed and run length encoded (RLE) TGA files.

If you put the images into a TXL file then there would be no difference at all because they are stored in the genesis3d image format. For other images (such as flipbooks for example) you may save some disk space if you're using rle TGA files (but you could also use other file formats like JPG for those).