NPC conversations

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NPC conversations

Post by blutwurstchen »

I know how to make pawns engage in conversation, when the Use button is pressed, but how would I go about making NPCs talk to each other irrespective of the Player?

I'm working on a RPG, and I want the player to find out information by eavesdropping and accidentally getting clues from NPC conversations without actually engaging them. I suppose this would be similiar to having an NPC initiate a conversation with the PC (rather than the Player starting the conversation).

Would appreciate any help.
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Re: NPC conversations

Post by Juutis »

How exactly would you like the pawns to talk to each other? Would these conversations be like some sort of scripted events that are the same every time you play the game or should the pawns walk around randomly and discuss random stuff with each other? The first would be pretty easy, I think. You'd only need some kind of condition, like the player entering a certain area to start the conversations. The conversations themselves would be only simple high level commands: Playing animations and sounds, and optionally displaying some text on the screen. The latter option would be a lot tougher, but still possible with extensive scripting. You'd have to check if the pawns are near each other somehow and then initiate the conversation.
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