CActorManager: Lighting functions
Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 5:42 pm
In CActorManager i found those three lighting functions:
If it returns the actors own ambient color, how can i get the floors lighting for a specific actor? This would help greatly for stealth games in which the player can hide in the shadows.
Now my question is about number 2 (GetActorDynamicLighting). I understand that the actual values are written to the pointers i give to the function, but when the AmbientLightFromFloor value is set to true, does it return the Actors own ambient lighting as AmbientColor or the floor lighting value?// Actor lighting control, Oh Joy.
// changed QD 07/21/04
int SetActorDynamicLighting(const geActor *theActor, const GE_RGBA &FillColor,
const GE_RGBA &AmbientColor, geBoolean AmbientLightFromFloor);
// end change
// changed QD 12/15/05
int GetActorDynamicLighting(const geActor *theActor, GE_RGBA *FillColor,
GE_RGBA *AmbientColor, geBoolean *AmbientLightFromFloor);
// end change
int ResetActorDynamicLighting(const geActor *theActor);
If it returns the actors own ambient color, how can i get the floors lighting for a specific actor? This would help greatly for stealth games in which the player can hide in the shadows.