viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4099 I stopped working on it, cuz I didn't have enough skills and stuff, but now I'm back, on that project (while I'm resting from doing MF) with a whole new concept. It won't be a top down view shooter anymore! Say Hello to Full Action - A sidescroller jump'n'run action!
So what is changed?
The game will have a small story and you're not just gonna run arround in a not-well textured map (as it was before

The aiming system is still the same - you gotta crosshair, and the player shoots wherever you point with it.
The player - I started scripting my own, don't laugh, in the past few weeks, I learned a lot of things (I'll keep the teacher's name in secret, cuz I don't know if he want's his name to be told, though you might have already guessed who is he

So there will be three different players - a guy and two girls, they will all have super powers (like double jumping, magic and stuff). I've already done some things like "Aircharging" - when you jump in the air and than press the jump button again, the player accelerates in the air, leaving ghost trails behind him and causing everyone near him to die.
I've also learned animating, so the animations in the game will be done by me

The story:
I haven't worked on it yet and I may keep it in secret

And now a little screen from my two-day work: