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My Game Project Cell

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:40 pm
by metalmouth7
Hello. I am a noob to development :? and have been using RF for roughly 5 months. I am working on a new project and figured posting on these forums could get me some support. Project Cell is a Zombie suvival RPG. It is set in a post-apocalyptic city. In the game you play as Daniel Jeffries, a character whose story changes depending on the choices you make. The game will feature a class based system where each class has distinct advantages and disadvantages. The player will have skills that increase as they are used such as:
Using firearms increses your firearm skill
Healing injuries will increase medical skill
Improvising weapons increases engineering skills, ect.

Any imput would be valuable and any assistance would be much appreciated.

Re: My Game Project Cell

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:03 pm
by metal_head
Sounds cool, good luck on that project, I assume that you'll need a scripted player for all this, but that's where the forums kick in, you can get a lot of help arround here :)

Re: My Game Project Cell

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:26 am
by zany_001
That sounds awesome, I can't wait to play! BTW, Welcome to the forums!

Current Status

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:10 pm
by metalmouth7
I am currently working getting a basic layout for the first level but can't decide which version would work better:
A)You choose class at character select screen (herin called the class select screen) or,
B)You wake up after being pulled out of some rubble and select class ect. through dialogs (Oblivion style).
Any opinions would be appriciated. Will post storyline update later. Need to get my assorted crap together.

Re: My Game Project Cell

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:10 pm
by Jay
I think B is much better. It was like this in Morrowind too, and it pulled me into the game immeadiatly. You are already in the game when you are chosing your class - and it made much more sense as it was integrated into the story. (Although the 'waking up and i don't remember anything' thing is becoming old, i've seen it so many times now)

But, in my opinion that 'you select your class in the beginning and then you have it the whole game' thing is just old. Better would be if you give the player special abilities for coming to certain parts of the story (this is an old idea, reward the players for beating the game, and it also keeps the game fresh through its course). The players could be able to choose from 2 or more abilities, or you could give points to spend for reaching levels. This way different players can choose differently and have different 'classes'. Or you choose your class throughout the story, like in the Gothic games - go to the mercenaries or do you like to play a mage? This way the player is already familiar with the game world and in general how the game works once they choose their class. They already know what they want to play when they are forced to make the decision.

But it's your game after all. :wink:

Re: My Game Project Cell

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:35 am
by zany_001
Yeah, number 2. Morrowind is an awesome game, I still haven't finished it though...

Re: My Game Project Cell

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:41 pm
by metalmouth7
It's less of "I can't remember a thing" and more of being reminded. "Oh yeah I was a (firefighter, Police officer, doctor ect.). I was more leaning towaords b anyway. Progress wise, I'm getting to work on the main menu. Will post updades/images when I have time.