I've never actually figured out how to do normal mapping. I tried what the manual says, and it just won't work for some reason. I tried making a bump map on a cube... this is my D3DDrv.log
Code: Select all
D3DDrv v100.3
Build Date: May 24 2008, Time: 13:15:45
Current Time: 12:10:18
Current Date: 10-27-2009
** D3D Driver Initializing **
--- D3DMain_CreateDDFromName ---
Name: Primary Display Driver
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 123662336
--- D3DMain_RememberOldMode ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDisplayModes ---
--- D3DMain_CreateD3D ---
--- D3DMain_EnumDevices ---
--- D3DMain_SetDisplayMode ---
W: 800, H: 600, Bpp: 32, FullScreen: YES
--- D3DMain_PickDevice ---
--- D3DMain_CreateBuffers ---
Back Buffer Count = 1
--- D3DMain_CreateZBuffer ---
EnumZBufferFormats: StencilBitDepth>=8... can do 8bit stencil buffer
ZBuffer Depth Available: 16-bit (YES), 24-bit (YES), 32-bit (NO),
ZBuffer Depth: 16, ZBuffer in Video: YES
--- D3DMain_CreateDevice ---
Vender ID = 32902
Device ID = 10146
--- D3DMain_CreateViewPort ---
--- D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats ---
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:f800, G:7e0, B:1f / 16, U:f800, V:7e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:8000, R:7c00, G:3e0, B:1f / 16, U:7c00, V:3e0, L:1f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:f000, R:f00, G:f0, B:f / 16, U:f00, V:f0, L:f / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff / 32, U:ff0000, V:ff00, L:ff / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:ff00, R:ff, G:0, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:0, R:ff, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:ff, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:ff, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 8, A:f0, R:f, G:0, B:0 / 8, U:f, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:0 / 16, U:ff, V:ff00, L:0 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 16, A:0, R:1f, G:3e0, B:fc00 / 16, U:1f, V:3e0, L:fc00 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:ff, G:ff00, B:ff0000 / 32, U:ff, V:ff00, L:ff0000 / 4CC:0 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32595559 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:59565955 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:31545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:32545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:33545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:34545844 Texture Support Found
EnumTextureFormatsCallback: 0, A:0, R:0, G:0, B:0 / 0, U:0, V:0, L:0 / 4CC:35545844 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff, B:ff000000 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:0, R:8, G:ffffff, B:ff000000 Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
EnumSurfaceFormatsCallback: 32, A:ff000000, R:ff0000, G:ff00, B:ff Texture Support Found
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find a 888 (24-bit) texture support.
D3DMain_GetSurfaceFormats: Unable to find 888 (24-bit) bump map support.
--- D3DMain_SetRenderState ---
--- D3DMain_GetTextureMemory ---
Ram free: 100560896
** Initialization was successful **
THandle_CheckCache: Resetting texture cache...
NO 3dfx card detected, using larger number of handles...
--- D3DMain_ShutdownD3D ---
Shutdown was successful...
The cube doesn't looks just like the normal texture.
So with a lack of 24-bit bitmap texture support, does that mean I should only use 16-bit bitmaps for my normal maps? (I've tried "BM0_xxx" and "BN0_xxx", but it was for naught)
I could also use an LOD, couldn't I? The model in question is a statue, and will probably be the only thing in the game besides the level geometry (and the player, of course).