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WOW! I'm an idiot!

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:17 am
by ZenBudha
Was working with RF on both my laptop and desktop machines today. Noticed something strange...

Everything on my desktop seemed brighter, and textures in RF seemed crisper.

It just now hit me when toying with my video settings on my laptop.

Since I have a 15" x 17" monitor due to a little checkbox on my monitor settings for my laptop. Anything not rectangular was getting stretched to fit the whole screen.

Thus RF running at 1024x768 was getting the image stretch 2" wider! Wow my textures look better than I thought they did. Wondered why everything looked so different in photoshop. Since my desktop setting is 1280x800.

Of course now when running RF on my laptop it's like looking through a window. Since the sides of the screen are black bars. However this makes a huge difference in perception between what I was seeing in my screenshots, and what everyone else was seeing.

Anyway a useless post but I like to ramble on the forum. Otherwise I would just talk to the wall 7 days a week. ;)

On another note I just realized my screenshots were being distorted as well. So we were all seeing the same stretched everything. Might have to post new ones.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:51 pm
by AndyCR
don't feel too bad. it is hard to tell when a laptop is changing resolutions, it doesn't have that "click, click" noise a crt monitor has. on a side note, your screenshots shouldnt be stretched to my knowledge, check to see what size they are, if they are the same size as the resolution was set to they're fine (thats what happens with mine i think)