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pick and move an object

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:53 am
by yunn
hello, im a newbie here,
i would like to ask some question bout RF.

i've read the manual but there is no much information or tutorial that related to what i want to seek.

i want to create a game. with a first person view.
it has a room with furniture(some other furniture can be uploaded into the room environment when the player clicked from the inventory)
and the selected furniture can be moved around the room.

can anyone help me please?
or is there any tutorial in RF that i can find?
thank you.

**sorry for my bad english**

Re: pick and move an object

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:27 am
by zany_001
Hey yunn, Welcome to the forum!!!!

I suggest you read the e-book, Making 3D games with Reality Factory
After making the test game it describes, ask again for help and we'll see what we can do.

Re: pick and move an object

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:23 am
by yunn
tq zany..
but does RF really allow a user to "mouse-select/mouse-pick" an object and then move this selected object to any new coordinates within the 3D environment during the game-play?

coz what i've read from the dan valeo book, its more towards standard first person shooter games.

correct me if im mistaken.

Re: pick and move an object

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:36 am
by zany_001
While RF is certainly easier to use to make FPS games, it is possible to do what you want. There's a command to make the mouse pointer not just be a crosshair, but rather move like in a RTS. Also, you can have the player control different items, not just one character. So it should be doable.

Re: pick and move an object

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:12 pm
by sankha93
check out SCURF project scripting utility for RF. Just search the forums. As far as I remember it had nice scripts designed to respond to mouse gestures. Even nirhis has an inventory. Just combine those scripts to get what you want.