bounce = false and still bounces

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bounce = false and still bounces

Post by metal_head »

OK, firstly I wanna say that there ISN'T another bounce = line in my pojectile description. So I made a projectile, which gets affected by gravity (gravity = true), I compiled and ran the level, but when the pawn was shooting the projectile it bounced off the ground or off the player's head . I checked if bounce has been set to true, but it wasn't... so what is it? What is this, that keeps making the projectile bounce?

Code: Select all

type = projectile
effect0 = Goo
effectbone0 = efbone
actor = Projectile\rocket.act
rotation = 0 0 0
scale = 1
gravity = true
bounce = false
speed = 300
lifetime = 2
boundingbox = 3
explosion = bulletspark
actorexplosion = RocketExplosion
damage = 40
altdamage = 40
shakeamount = 25
shakedecay = 15
explosionradius = 70
explosiondamage = 25
decal = 0
bonelevel = false
attachactor = true
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Re: bounce = false and still bounces

Post by Juutis »

It's a bug, AFAIK. If the collision is caused the gravity RF doesn't handle it properly and makes the projectile bounce instead.
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Re: bounce = false and still bounces

Post by metal_head »

Wow, that's pretty not-cool, cuz my boss idea was pretty nice and now I'll have to screw it :(
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