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Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:57 am
by madness
It seems like things have slowed waaayyy down here since my high school days.
Just to get an idea of whats going on with RF, could any active members coming across this post please just reply so I know about how active people still are here.
Any advice or news you might feel like throwing out would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:55 am
by Juutis

Welcome back, dude. :)

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:20 am
by zany_001

I don't remember you heh.
There's a few oldies pottering around, and a few new people, but things have really slowed down. As for news, bernie and terry have gone off and made their own game engine or something instead of being humble and helping with RF2, which pisses me off big time. That's about it.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:05 pm
by QuestOfDreams
Bernie and Terry have made great contributions to the community so please don't be rude to them. It's indeed an unfavourable situation regarding the development of RF2 but like everyone else they are free to spend their time on whatever they feel happy with.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:10 pm
by bernie
bernie and terry have gone off and made their own game engine or something instead of being humble and helping with RF2
This is totally untrue. We have not Gone off anywhere. Terry is helping me with my personal project which I am prepared to share with people here, as I pointed out in another thread. I can't help with RF2 as things are. I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER and I do not understand squirrel either, so until there is an editor there is not much I can do, if anything at all.
I did suggest Ogitor should be used as a basis for the editor but it was rejected. We also made and attempt of our own which was rejected because basically we didn't know what we were doing and don't understand how rf2 is going to work program wise.
I don't see you helping much with RF2 either.
Get your facts right before slagging people off.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:35 pm
by hgt_terry
I have not gone nor Bernie.

And we will do what can we were busy writing Equity and we still have plans to improve it further just we got to stage where we had to make a decision with especially with weighted vertices so we were waiting for RF2 to come along like everybody else so we could carry on.

In the mean time we got to realize Ogre and the power of it so we where really looking forward and waiting for the rf2 lib now the problem was we could never get to build some say that’s our inexperience.

But we did Equity and now Game Director it’s in its early days but feel free to download then judge us.

As a foot note we have never gone away we got impatient and while we were waiting for rf2 we found that maybe we could have a go but as Bernie said it’s a personal project.


Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:26 pm
by paradoxnj
@Zany, I appreciate your loyalty and feelings on the subject but please do not make remarks like that about Terry or Bernie. They are allowed to do whatever they feel like doing. They just have a different vision and they want to fulfill that vision. They have contributed to this community in many other ways including a very useful tool (Equity) that seems to have become the standard actor tool for the community.

@Bernie - Just to explain...Ogitor would have required coding also. I needed something that would have understood the RF2 objects directly and not just placed actors in the world. Entities are more than actors. Sometimes, they don't even have visual representation (e.g ChangeLevel). Those need to be placed as well. To get Ogitor to recognize the RF2 entities would have been a chore. If you have an idea on how I could do that, i'd be more than willing to hear it. I'm not being sarcastic either...I sincerely would like to hear it. It would make my life so much easier.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:17 am
by Destron
I lurk but and don't post since I'm going to college now and don't have a lot of time to work with RF, besides the fact that I'm waiting for RF2.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:44 pm
by madness
Ah well I didn't mean to ruffle feathers. Sorry for that.
But its good to see some of the community again.

For those who don't remember me. I used to work with FPSrf and a few others off the forum. We lost a key member of our group in a car accident a while back. A close friend of FPSrf, which put him out of the game business for an indeterminate while. :s

@ Juttis
I LOVE the new nihris train demo. incredibly impressive. :)

@ terry & bernie
I downloaded and am currently enjoying equity. I also downloaded game director but have no clue what it is, nor have I had the time to try it. Would you care to elaborate on this project?

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:39 pm
by bernie
It wasn't you who ruffled feathers.
To answer your question GameDirector is a scene editor/builder for ogre scenes. It is intended to be easily adapted to be a stand alone gamed engine and used by the inexperienced to try their hand at making simple games without programming.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:19 am
by GMer
I've been working on my other numerous hobbies (Fixing Xbox RROD, Halo costumes, 2d game making, etc.), but I was just recently inspired by a video on youtube for a game. Thus I may be around some more. :roll:
I hope.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:02 am
by darksmaster923
I started playing this MMO called Face of Mankind. I'm completely hooked. So :/
And started making a demo in Panda3d.

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:46 pm
by ardentcrest
I just pop my head out of my coffin, every now and them. :twisted:

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:50 am
by darksmaster923
Hopefully, when Rf2 is release, our little community will get a boost

Re: Who is left here with us at RF?

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:10 am
by paradoxnj
Working on it......... :)