Jumping Assassins

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Jumping Assassins

Post by Veleran »

I write here instead the scripting because you might want to vote what monster opponetnet could replace a pair of assassins,that anyway are too difficult for me to script.

I was going to model an assassin pawn of a pair that would fight the player together,and want to ask if i can script them bug free.
If not i will make something else instead of them.

What these assassin twins would do is to fly up on high places to some scriptpoint,wait a while and then fly above the player and land on him to strike him.

I dont know if i can make them not stay on the player-or on top of each other.
The player should take damage and forced back when the pawn lands on him,so the assassin will slide to the ground and start a new attack from there.

Flymove towards the scriptpoint that is somewhere high could be interrupted by collision with the other assassin or with the player if you its close to them,so it should try flying upwards first and then to the scriptpoint,and seem like he s made one big jump.
Will that work using flymove?i wonder.

Also,there s a trick to hold the player while the other one hits him,but i i can not script the standard player to be out of control for some seconds and play a specific animation.I could only position the pawn to the player but i can t freeze the player.So that is out of the list.

What do you think?there are so many other monsters i can choose from and i have already delayed over a year modelling terrains that were to high poly for rf.

The pawn will make damage from a different place than some other pawn-not just from the default front side area,
using command Damageatbone,so when you choose a monster imagine that the range of the weapon it has are taken into account.
Example,if the monster hold a whip and a shortsword,will strike with the whip first so you cant get to close and continue the attack animation slashing with the shortsword (in case it missed you).

The demon with whip and sword is somewhat classic,it is possible to make that,or i could make twin dark elves that move very fast.
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