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Bumpmapping for Actors

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:58 am
by Njoy
Hi everyone,

My problem is that I don't see any bump mapping effect on my actors when I run the level, so I would be pleased if someone could send screenshots of a correct apply of actor bump mapping (or the nearest perfect bump mapped actor) a video would be much better to see it.
I'm currently using MilkShape 3D to make the .bdy and then using the AStudio to create the .act, I read the manual and the topics on the forum and there's something buggy with it.
I tried with BN (Dot3) and BM (EMBM) prefix, no luck.
When I make an actor (The bump mapping effect on brushes within a scenario looks great) I assign a texture material to the object (BM0_Object or BN0_Object depends of wich technology to use) then I export it as a .bdy, then I use the AStudio and add the extra materials (BNB_, BNS_ or BMB_, BMS) and build my actor but no luck.

Do I have to create materials IN MilkShape 3D to make them work? (I already did it but in result theres a .act with no light interactions)

Can someone send me the most nice achievable result of a bump mapped actor or near it?

Many THX in advance.

PS: I opened this post in order to achieve a correct bump mapping effect to an actor cuz I seen ppl with the very same problem as me.

PS2: Srry bout my english, its not my main language.

Re: Bumpmapping for Actors

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:47 am
by Veleran
Use the BN0 in export and add the extra BNB normal map when you builf the actor.
The BNS specular does nt work.
Dot3 normal mapping has ugly darkened seams where ever there are uvw seams or diferent textures meet in a single smooth faced actor surface.
So,it works better with tiled textures.

I use normal bump map and avoid to have many seams in the actors.
Still normal bump maps can be used on a terrain that has one 4096x4096 texture to simulate rock surface patches stones,cracked mud etc (provided you can paint with normal and diffuse texture tiles channels at the same time in the paint program).
These last are optional,anyway you might want the bumps only for characters.

Re: Bumpmapping for Actors

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:23 pm
by Njoy
What about EMBM for actors? Can I get good results too? Specular in EMBM possible?

Does the Direct3D 16-bit driver works for bump mapping?

Re: Bumpmapping for Actors

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:04 am
by Veleran
Its been 5 years since i last used that,
and from what i remember it looked more like a fixed ambient map than a specular that could show dynamically glossiness when the actor moved (as it should).

Re: Bumpmapping for Actors

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:47 am
by QuestOfDreams
Njoy wrote:Does the Direct3D 16-bit driver works for bump mapping?
No, neither the Direct3D 16-bit driver nor the OpenGL driver supports bump mapping.

Re: Bumpmapping for Actors

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:14 pm
by Njoy
Veleran wrote:Its been 5 years since i last used that,
and from what i remember it looked more like a fixed ambient map than a specular that could show dynamically glossiness when the actor moved (as it should).
- Ok, no EMBM for Acts, only on levels textures.
QuestOfDreams wrote:No, neither the Direct3D 16-bit driver nor the OpenGL driver supports bump mapping.
- Good to know

By the way, I already tried applying bump mapping, and works (buggy) in the following order:
- Make a model in MilkShape, Assign a texture material to my model "BN0_name".
- In milk shape, Add a new material, "BNB_name" I don't assign it to my model.
- Export model to .bdy
- Open the AStudio, select the .bdy
- Add new material "BNB_name". Select the BNB_name.bmp
- Build ACT

The problem is when I see it on the game, it applies bump mapping on the ACT but on 0 lightning, light or dynamic light it doesn't Bump/React, but it does react when I shoot (I can see the shoot light passing by the model and see the bump mapping effect).
Is this normal? or theres a way to correct the lightning?
When I follow the steps Veleran wrote, the ACT doesnt gain bump mapping effect, in fact looks like a normal ACT without any change at all.
I tried with Equity 6.0 to build my acts too, but same results.

If it helps, my log shows me all correct usage of bump mapping detection and my gpu does support 32 bits with D3D.

As for the D3D driver, does the Bump Mapping effect technology applies to my game thanks to Reality Factory, Genesis 3D Core or the D3D driver?