Quick development update
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:53 pm
Well, I haven't posted much about the development progress lately so you may wonder what's going on behind the scenes besides the physics integration...
Here's a short list of what we have done lately
-Edited source code layout for better readability
-Fixed Bugs:
Here's a short list of what we have done lately
-Edited source code layout for better readability
-Fixed Bugs:
- camera flickering at start in 1st person mode
shots not showing on all walls
# of weapon slots not matching # of possible weapon IDs
ActMaterial entity allocating a useless struct each tick
LiftBelt system causing endless loop if more than 1 LiftBelt entity is placed in the level
LiftBelt system not updating applied force correctly
small bug in Damage system
memory leak in FlipTree entity
memory leak in Foliage entity
bug in inventory initialization
incorrect rotation in pawn routines
player flashlight attched to "joint2" of weapon actor instead of rootbone if no bonename specified
fixed pawn command GetStringLength
smaller bugs in PWXImageManager and Procedurals
- Scaling of actors in x,y,z direction (instead of 1 scale value for all directions) (pawn command)
Improved pawn command "PostionToPlayer"
Added a CheckRange to the FixedCamera entity (limits the FOV used to check if the player is visible from the camera's position)
Hanging Foliage
- added new constants to replace often used multiplications/divisions (such as GE_PI/2, 180/GE_PI, ...)
removed unnecessary vector normalizations
replaced distance checks by squared distance checks if possible