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Player Death
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:34 pm
by creekmonkey
I am in need of a solution for a choice when player dies. A choice to either exit the game completely or restart the current level. The esc key currently restarts the level.
1. Is a separate menu for each level possible?
2. Has anyone successfully made a scripted menu?
3. Possible to show hide menu with script commands?
4. Script command to restart or close level?
Re: Player Death
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:25 am
by creekmonkey
Surely there must be some way to end the game without restarting the level with escape key, then use escape key again to access the menu???????
Re: Player Death
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:34 pm
by paradoxnj
RF Menu Structure
All of the RF menu screens are predefined in the
code. This means that RF always starts with a Main Menu,
that branches off into specific sub-menus. New sub-menus
can not be defined without editing the source code, but not all
the sub-menus need to be defined in the menu.ini file. On the
next page, is a diagram which details the structure of the RF
menu. Each button made available in the Main Menu, will
allow access to the sub-menu, that the button is associated
with. Buttons in these sub-menus, then allow access to further
Excerpt from e-book. You might want to read page 177 in the e-book. Explains how the menu system works.
Re: Player Death
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:20 pm
by creekmonkey
I have read the e-book and manual. And as always I check those as well as search the forum before asking a question.
I have been away from rf for some time, and I guess I was hoping that someone had found a work around during my absence. I also remembered someone was working on a scripted menu a while back but could find no reference to anyone accomplishing this.
Re: Player Death
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:35 pm
by Allanon
Maybe a conversation script could be used.