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FPS Creator, or "oops forgot that bug"
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:41 pm
by animatrix
Just did some looking at FPS Creator, looked very promising, had all the great stuff one needs, except one major flaw, the frame rate is crap, and is caused by the engine, I went on the forums and checked and read, as usual the moderators said "oh its your level thats bad", anyway, its 50 bucks, the forum also doesnt like this issue being rehashed so posting wont get a good response, another example of release to soon and keep it quiet, I think frame rate is quite a major issue when its the engine, I get so tired of game design programs having all but just one of what would be great for using the software, RF was the closest to being just right out of all of the ones I worked with.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:40 am
by ZenBudha
Sure its the engine ecause even RF needs a good deal of proper level optimization to chieve decent frame rates.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 2:14 am
by gekido
I'm curious what things you didn't like about this engine? Framerate would be an obvious one, but what kind of detail are you able to get with the engine before things get too slow?
Obviously we are looking at the various other 'indie' engines that are available, and I'm definitely interested in hearing about what specific things that you found made developing with this engine, (FPS Creator specifically) and other 'Indie' engines that you've tried, not worth it?
What kinds of features / functionality would you look for in the 'ideal' indie engine?
I realize this may be opening a massive can of worms, but I'm interested in hearing what kinds of things have attracted you to RF versus other comparable engines?
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:24 pm
by animatrix
I have talked in depth with the Game Creators, they have informed me that FPS engine is going thru a major overhaul at this time, The FPS system looks very good other than the frame problem, the interface is simple to use so far.
It is very visual in nature, lot of icon based stuff, the real time level creation is nice, I would like to use the actual product outside of the demo mode. Player movement is good, looks like a good product when they solve the basics.
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:40 pm
by animatrix
What I look for as a non programmer in a game design system.
I think RF was the closest to being exactly what I wanted to design games.
only a couple of things to me were not good, the single pixel line across the screen with fog, and the shots not registering on all walls, and the explosions not being totally visible, these bugs directly affect the imersion in the game enviroment, other than that and some minor stuff RF has a great user interface and builds well, eye candy is well and good but the basics have to be there, multi player would have been nice but its still great.
RF: make room
add entity
add enemy
add powerup
add music