! HELP ! Editor PRO Sucks
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:19 am
Hello Guys..
I've looked in search for an answer but couldn''t find it so i go and ask here..,
i've Heard from an moderator that u should instal it on C:\RealityFactory than on C:\Program Files\RealityFactor
Doesn''t make a shiit better still sucks i've still need to reorganize my Directorys..
So i've a few questions:
In what map are the Pawns
And in what map are the Actors Directory''s?
I've looked in search for an answer but couldn''t find it so i go and ask here..,
i've Heard from an moderator that u should instal it on C:\RealityFactory than on C:\Program Files\RealityFactor
Doesn''t make a shiit better still sucks i've still need to reorganize my Directorys..

So i've a few questions:
In what map are the Pawns
And in what map are the Actors Directory''s?