Map Sizes and Item Inventory (Placement)

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Map Sizes and Item Inventory (Placement)

Post by AeroCat »

I tested many demos for this program and I noticed that all the ones I test only had 1 big area. and I noticed that most of them are usaually 30mg.

Is that like a project standard that every game has to be atleast 30mg or around there? (not a problem just asking)
My game library would probably take up about 150mg on it's own so I'm concerned if Reality Factory itself would just make up another bundle of harddrive space.

My second question is minor but worth knowing ahead of time.

Is it possible to place a weapon/item to a certain slot in the inventory and that would be you equiped weapon like in those dundgens and dragons action rpg games where you set an item to you hand and thats the weapon your armed with.
And if so would it be possible to set another item somewhere else and with a hotkey use that item or quick switch it with the other like in the halo games? (I'm assuming yes but not sure)

Forgive me for me my odd grammer and sentence structure :shock:
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Re: Map Sizes and Item Inventory (Placement)

Post by lekeoi »

And if so would it be possible to set another item somewhere else and with a hotkey use that item or quick switch it with the other like in the halo games?
I think so although I've never pulled it off
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Re: Map Sizes and Item Inventory (Placement)

Post by AeroCat »

Omg somebody replied. Sorry about how I clumped up my post with concerns I just haven't been able to test RF properly on my half steppin computer.
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Re: Map Sizes and Item Inventory (Placement)

Post by paradoxnj »

The answer is yes. Download the ebook and thumb through it. It explains everything thoroughly.
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Re: Map Sizes and Item Inventory (Placement)

Post by Veleran »

f you make the classic stuff where you pick the sword from the inventory backpack to to click it to a hands slot and equip it,tell us-others would be interested in taking a look at it.
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