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What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:15 am
by Nighthawk_0973
I can't figure out anything from the website because I can't even navigate the site...
Also what features does it have the RF dosn't, is it worth the download?
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:25 pm
by jamieo01
RF 2 hasn't properly released yet. I think that paradoxnj is planing to release more information on it's progress soon so keep an eye on the forums.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 4:12 pm
by paradoxnj
Here are the differences:
-- RF1 uses Genesis 3D for it's graphics engine. RF2 uses Ogre3D 1.7.2
-- RF1 uses Simkin for a scripting language. RF2 uses Lua
-- RF1's current GUI is not flexible. RF2 uses CEGUI and is completely scriptable via Lua.
-- RF1's entities are hard coded. Users cannot create their own entities. RF2 uses a component entity system similar to Unity allowing users to create objects instead of entities. Users can also create their own components via Lua.
-- RF1 uses compiled BSP's with pre-calculated lightmaps. RF2 uses real time hardware lighting and uses a realtime scenegraph for it's scenes. No compiling needed for levels.
-- RF1 uses ini files for configuration and asset management. RF2 uses Lua for everything.
-- RF1's graphic engine is based on DirectX 7 meaning there are no shaders. RF2's is based on OpenGL 2, DirectX 9, DirectX 10 and coming soon...DirectX 11. This allows shaders via Cg. See Ogre3D features.
I can go on some more, but there is no need to. What website are you trying to navigate for RF2?
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:51 pm
by Nighthawk_0973
wow paradaxnj is the guy behind RF2? I thought it was just his logo...
Anyways, you said DirectX9 and that the engine was gonna go up more in graphical quality... Can't do it! My computer won't handle DirectX10 and barely for DirectX9 (thats my current version, I've updated my software pretty recently).
Anyways, good luck with your RF2 stuff but I think i'll stick with the original.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:59 pm
by paradoxnj
Sorry to hear that. You could use OpenGL. The Ogre engine adapts to your computer. You might want to download the Ogre Demos and see if they run. If they run, then you will be able to run RF2.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:34 pm
by Nighthawk_0973
yeah I'm trying to refrain from downloading too much I already have a TON of things on this computer:
Java Development Kit
MS3d (thats new, got it for free)
BlitzBasic (programming language based off the language they used for atari)
Rumble Fighter(free mmorpg)
Sid Mires Pirates
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Office 2003
and I think thats all (just kidding I could go on forever)
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:30 pm
by Nighthawk_0973
The website I use is the first thing that comes up about RF 2 when you google it:
when I click somewhere it just adds a # sign after the slash... Weird. I'm thinking about possibly getting it if its so much more powerful but well... I just got rid of a ton of stuff to get my computer run better, I've had some serious troubles with my anti-virus programs recently, IE wasn't even running long enough for me to get to google before it crashed, luckely it was only a matter of pulling the plug on the computers power
Anyways when I got rid of stuff I also got rid of python since I don't use it anymore but on the website you said something about python files and I'm not re-installing pyton again... Also when you said it supports more 3D file formats what do you mean??? I want to be able to use files that I make with google sketchup but my google sketchup only does: .obj, .dae, .skp(up to .skp8), and it does that other sketchup format. Other than that I can't get it for RF. I was wondering though, if I made something in google sketchup, does RF2 has a tool I could use to work with it to give it animations, etc. Also, how easy would it be to learn that lua scripting stuff because I really have trouble figuring out SimKin. Anyways I'd be happy to test out RF2 after I look into it.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:22 pm
by ardentcrest
That is the old, old site for RF2 when AndyCR was started it.
try this. from Wed Apr 07, 2010
this is the PreAlpha setup
Or you can wait for Mr. P's next up load.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:31 am
by paradoxnj
I'm almost ready. Functionality is done (walking around), now I am making some content to walk around in.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:37 am
by paradoxnj
Alpha 2 release will come either tomorrow or Wednesday. Making some content and stabilizing some things.
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:12 pm
by ardentcrest
Take your time Mr P. We have all the time in the world.....

Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:04 am
by Aaron Anderson
Sorry if I'm necroposting here, I'm currently learning to use Reality Factory, how applicable will my experience with the first be for RF2?
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:32 pm
by Nighthawk_0973
Don't know but I don't think that making games is possible in RF2 yet. If you want to make games RF should do fine for you, but be prepared for a struggle. (getting things to work out....)
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:20 pm
by paradoxnj
How can it be a struggle if there is an ebook dedicated to teaching you to make an entire game using RF?

Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:54 am
by Aaron Anderson
The e-book seems a wee bit outdated for the current version of RF, I may be looking in the wrong place though. I've got the hang of it, mostly, I could make a short game or demo by now. It's great stuff! Anyway, wrong topic, but thanks.