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Promises, promises
Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:50 pm
by bernie
last release of rf2 was Pre_alpha-setup released 12 april 2010.
RF2 due for release May 2010 but we get this.
Release Delayed
by paradoxnj » Mon May 10, 2010 4:06 pm
The release will be delayed until 5/31/2010 due to some memory leaks and
some features that need to be there so you can actually do something with it now. It
also will correspond with an end of month delivery schedule that I want to keep.
Every 2 months at the end of the month, a new point release will be made adding new
I apologize to everyone, but it makes more sense to do this as it gives you a better
product. Besides, it's only 3 short weeks.
31 May 2010 nothing
Re: Release Delayed
by paradoxnj » Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:54 pm
Coming today. Had an impromptu trip to Chicago this weekend. Packaging it up
now. It will be released tonight. Not much to do with it besides get familiar with
shaders and materials. Next release will be more functional.
Re: Release Delayed
by paradoxnj » Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:18 pm
Tomorrow...I promise!! Trying to track down a crash. I think I found
still nothing
& what about this from 10 May 2010
Every 2 months at the end of the month, a new point release will be made adding new
What happened to these?
Re: RF2 Updates
by paradoxnj » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:56 pm
Easter...I should have something that you can run around in and change to
your liking.
then this
Re: Tutorial Request: How to use RF2?
by paradoxnj » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:54 pm
It doesn't really do much yet. The code dump I will be doing this Monday
will do more. I'm hoping to have a player running around on a plane or a
Easter comes and goes. nothing
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
by paradoxnj » Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:37 am
Alpha 2 release will come either tomorrow or Wednesday. Making some content
and stabilizing some things.
Wednesday comes & goes. nothing.
13 May 2011 still nothing.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:41 pm
by hgt_terry
I agree with Bernie RF2 was the answer to a situation that needed addressing a good web site a good following and loyal members to this end we have tried to Fulfil that situation.
GD is not directly in opposition to RF2 but a healthy alternative based on the ideas of RF1.
We are making provisions in Equity and Stage which we will release soon that will convert RF1 geometry to Ogre format for GD or RF2. ( Actors with motions and Geometry ).
we have based Entities around RF1 so conversions are familiar.
We have currently a dev10 release but we have worked hard and dev11 when released as full Character controller so Physics are real i.e. at Polygon level so real shape collision but we do also have also bounding box and basic geometry shapes,
we have real code GD dev11 available at SVN so proper Open Source code and and a binary version Dev10 but Dev11 will be the brake through for us and have a full Physics system.
We are not the best coders designers in the world but loyal to the fundamental ideas of RF1 and to that end GameDirector Exists and that’s thanks to Bernie so take a look but as said dev10 is the basic idea But dev11 will be the result of working it out and will released soon 4 weeks or so and then you can all judge.
And you are all welcome to help us.
Up to you join us at the end of the day its RF1 with ogre.
we plan to release some tutorials showing how ro convert Actors to Ogre + Motions and RFPRO ceated scense saved via 3DS option that s good because you can select the whole scene or parts of it making it ideal for ibjecta yoo.
GameDirector ( RF3 )
we do not want to infulance the situation or course a war just saying we are out there and working and based on rf1 and will provide converters built in and direct import for RF1 Actors, Milkshape and 3ds RF1 Geometry as it stands,
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:00 am
by Nighthawk_0973
2 things:
first of all: BERNIE! I didn't know you where still on the forums! Welcome back I guess

Havn't posted in a while, not since I joined up really.
second of all: I agree with what bernie is saying. paradoxnj posts more on the forums than everyone exept for me (thats because I post at everything, I find it sad that these forums are dying so much...) but he's almost always posting about RF2 updates. RF2 was indeed supposed to come into release on May 2010, yet it's faced so much delays, that some people might even think it's not being developed anymore! The website hasn't seen a single update, not that I know of, the engine hasn't been developed much at all, and while I understand that it might take a while to develop something so big with so much promises made inbetween, his release dates aren't the most acurate are they?
I have moved on from RF, it's simply not worth it to me. But I stay around for any new RF user who might need help with the RF system, Reality Factory needs as much comunity as possible. I'm not going to take chances in letting down some noob user. RF should have a thriving community, either that or RF2 should since RF really isn't getting an update anytime soon...
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:37 am
by hgt_terry
I agree with you but the site i don’t think ita going to die.
Genesis Engine . Well much controversy but as an Engine accessing the the DX9 API is almost a one on one as far as the maths is concerned I could Sit here all day and explain Metrics Quaternion
and angles the best to date is the Genesis Engine but you need to have a brain and basic knowledge of C and C++.
3D maths is not owned by Genesis or RF1 PI is PI or 2 and 2 is 4 that solution is not owned by anybody .
Then the answer Ogre
Now Ogre is a different beast. Ogre is a very very good API too the graphics card GPU and can use DX9 or OpenGL
So if me I would first root to developing a game would be RF1 as a basic idea of how things work then if a coder Genesis 1.6 is as good as it gets c and c++ wise .
Ogre all the bits and bobs we want but needs understanding.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:19 am
by paradoxnj
Guys...I am the only one working on this. I am also the only one testing and designing too. I am taking cross platform into consideration as well as beginners and advanced users.
I have limited time and have been travelling like mad lately. Just an example, in the last 4 weeks I've been to Paris, Washington DC, and Los Angeles. I am going to Miami June 1.
Those releases are "what I have" releases. I am making the code compilable via the MS Visual Studio Express versions and I will do another "what I have" release when I am done. I don't have the luxury of working on this 6 hours a night. I have a life as well. I have small children to take care of too.
I also like stability and don't rush through things. I plan them out and then execute my plan. So you can be assured that everything will work when you get it. I am also incorporating network code which I am writing from scratch myself. GD has no network code.
Why not just post crap like this in the General Discussion forum as an annoucement of your product instead of starting a fight? If you want people to use GameDirector, why not promote and market it the mature way? They can go over to something with no scripting language and everything the old way if they so choose. The editor is also limited to Windows. Someone with a Mac will not be able to use GD without a total rewrite of the code. Good luck with that. Mac is gaining popularity with gamers and game developers thanks to Unity.
The forums will stay quiet until things are done. When it is usable, the forums will pick up. Till then...good luck.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 12:07 pm
by bernie
First of all I would like to point out that my post was NOT promoting GameDirector, I never even mentioned it once in the post. I didn't want to start a fight either.
The purpose of the post was to point out in no uncertain terms that people should not make promises they can't or don't intend to keep.
On at least six occasions in the last 12 months you have promised a point release in a short period of time and on 2 of those occasions you promised a point release the next day. You have not fulfilled any of them. No one is going to believe anything you tell them
Re: Release Delayed
by paradoxnj » Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:18 pm
Tomorrow...I promise!! Trying to track down a crash. I think I found
That was almost 1 year ago
and this one almost a month ago
Re: What is exactly is RF 2? How is it different from RF?
by paradoxnj » Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:37 am
Alpha 2 release will come either tomorrow or Wednesday. Making some content
and stabilizing some things.
On May 10th LAST YEAR you also promised point releases every 2 months which you have never done.
Those releases are "what I have" releases.
What releases ?? You have never released any for over 1 year, or if you have you have never told us where they are, or how to access them.
How can anyone help to test anything if they don't have access to anything to test?
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 1:55 pm
by jamieo01
I think people seem to forget that paradoxnj is doing this free of charge, he has no duty to develop RF2 even if he never releases it he wouldn't have done anything wrong as it's to help the community. If people want it so badly then they could offer their services to help speed up the release. RF1 is more than good enough to make a full game which I intend to when I have the time but if people do need a stronger engine which I do for some of my projects then there are many other engines out there such as unity or UDK but neither of them are as easy to use as RF. I check the forums nearly every day and as long as there is new blood and a few old member hanging around i'm not going anywhere. I often get messages on my Youtube tutorials asking for assistance which shows that people still use it they just might not know of the forum.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:20 pm
by bernie
We are not forgetting people do this for free.
This thread is about promises not fulfilled. Promises should always be fulfilled or it makes you untrustworthy. If you say you are going to do something you should do it, or at least give a reason why you haven't. To be fair Paradox did give a reason some of the time but this has gone on for more than a year now with empty promises never fulfilled. It makes it look as if RF2 will never actually come to fruition and any dates he gives no one is going to believe. That in itself will drive people away from the forum. A lot of folk have stopped using Rf because they are waiting for rf2. Also a lot have just got fed up and gone elsewhere.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:44 pm
by jamieo01
I understand and perhaps he shouldn't have made any promises but would your opinion be any different if he hadn't have promised.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:54 pm
by bernie
would your opinion be any different if he hadn't have promised.
I understand and perhaps he shouldn't have made any promises but would your opinion be any different if he hadn't have promised.
Yes it most definitely would. I feel that those promises not being fulfilled is why the forum is dead at the moment. People have stopped working on rf1 projects in the hope that rf2 is imminent and they would be wasting there time. In the meantime they are off elsewhere looking at other engines like Neoaxis, Unity and Unreal and now are using those. If Rf2 ever does appear they may or may not return, but I think once hooked on another engine they won't come back.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 5:09 pm
by paradoxnj
First of all I would like to point out that my post was NOT promoting GameDirector
You weren't, but your counterpart was. The post was addressed to both as I said "Guys".
Bernie, you know I respect your opinion but I simply won't release something that is not stable. I've had limited time over the last few months and have not gotten much done. No one wants to script so it makes it a bit harder to please those people as well. So...I decided to develop an editor in tandem with the shell which will write the script for you. That is a lot of work. I could just release what I have, but it would be useless as I would have to stop what I am doing to document the scripting as there is no editor yet.
People forget that we've been waiting for RF 1.0 for a while too (not slighting you QoD, just making a point). No one seems to care about that. So I will do the same thing will be released when it is done.
Jamie is correct also...I am doing this for free and have to put my paying job first so I can keep my house and other worldly possessions. For a little while now, my paying job has been demanding.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 8:43 pm
by Nighthawk_0973
heh, heh

whoa, this topic is sort of getting out of hand here.
I completely understand that your doing this free of charge by yourself whatever. My point is, that even I don't come up with a project that I'm working on my own, and just declare a release date. Many game companies have had a delay but we don't want RF2 to end up like Halo 2 for PC, that game got delayed so much it took 3 years after Halo 2 for Xbox's release to acually come out, and it wasn't even that good.
I also like the way your thinking of crossplatform though.
are you an RF2 guy, an equity guy, or both? I'm confused. Or are you an RF guy? Or are you just a mod? Kind of confused here...
btw, a "guy" is a developer

Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:37 pm
by paradoxnj
It's not getting out of hand. We've seen worse.
I know where you are coming from Nighthawk. I didn't make the first date, that was there for me. Then that person left the project way before that date and I had to start all over. That is why I am now taking the stance of "when it is done". I am trying to please everyone and I can't so I just please who I can and let the rest deal with it. It's not like anyone is paying for RF or RF2, so there is no expectation set. I understand people like to work with it, but it's a large undertaking to write a dynamic game shell. GameDirector is not dynamic. It gives you predefined entities like RF does. There is no scirpting language also so there is no changing behavior of objects.
RF2 is more like Unity where you can build your own objects out of components and create your own components as well all through script.
hgt_terry works with Bernie on GameDirector. He is the creator of Equity as well. He does not work on RF2 or RF.
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:19 am
by Allanon
Bernie and hgt_terry you guys are being a little hypocritical, I went to your Game Director forum and found this in the "GameDirector Download" post:
Download GameDirector
Please note that these downloads are development builds and the scene file formats are likely change without notice. We intend releasing a development build at the end of each month to show the progress we are making.
But the last release was in November? Where is this month's build?
Re: Promises, promises
Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:25 am
by Nighthawk_0973
paradoxnj wrote:It's not getting out of hand. We've seen worse.

*cough* Xtremeworlds forums, google it

(not always avaliable, lot's of 500 errors)
As for everything else you said. I didn't know that. Is everyone leaving from the RF2 Dev Team for a reason? Also, whats GameDirector? And whats unity? Sorry I'm a little lost here, I'm more MMOPRG maker and a programmer (Java Programmer, though I'm learning C++ right now. Yes, I multitask, that's what different tabs/windows are for!) not a game engine looker upper.
Allanon wrote:Bernie and hgt_terry you guys are being a little hypocritical, I went to your Game Director forum and found this in the "GameDirector Download" post:
Download GameDirector
Please note that these downloads are development builds and the scene file formats are likely change without notice. We intend releasing a development build at the end of each month to show the progress we are making.
But the last release was in November? Where is this month's build?
lol'd. So what's bernie/hgt_terry's excuse?