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Smoke Grenade

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:09 am
by SithMaster
Me again this time i want to know how the grenade should work. I was thnaking about adding a fireing bone to the grenade so when it goes off after the time delay it uses a particle spray to shower out grey/black smoke. Then assuming the above works how would i set the amount of time the smoke stays? Grateful for any insight.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:43 pm
by GD1
not hard at all, in fact something similar was in the original 071 install. you just need to create and explosion in explosion.ini here is the explosion from mine in case you dont have 071.

effect0 = Smoke
delay0 = 0
offset0 = 0 0 0

; particle spray

type = spray
bitmapname = smoke.bmp
alphamapname = a_smoke.bmp
angles = 0 90 0
colormax = 237 230 37
colormaxalpha = 255
colormin = 237 40 37
colorminalpha = 200
sourcevariance = 2
destvariance = 2
gravity = 0 0 -45
maxscale = 0.25
minscale = 0.15
maxspeed = 210
minspeed = 190
maxunitlife = 3.4
minunitlife = 2.5
particlecreationrate = 0.005
bounce = false

just attach that to the projectile in weapon.ini and your done. if you want a true smoke grenade though you might need to script the pawns so that if a certain attribute drops (a special one for the smoke grenade) their visibility will be lowered.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:34 pm
by wackedoutbiker
What attribute would you lower if it were tear gas instead?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:28 am
by GD1
just any unique attribute that you can access by script and perform special actions based on it.