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Can I assign a script to an actor that it was not intended 4
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:20 am
by bweinstein
I am new and do not have any knowledge of scripting or programming. I just figured that if when I add a pawn to the game I could assign the robot.s script to an actor that isn't the robot and that the actor would attack me. When I did this, however, the actor does not attack me or do anything but stand there. Is it possible to assign a script for an enemy spawn that has already been made (such as the robot.s) script for another actor? If so, how? Thanks!
Where can I find already made scripts that go with actors?
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:24 am
by bweinstein
I have no programming or scripting experience. I can only add the robot and make it work as an enemy pawn that actually attacks me. Are there any other enemy pawns and scripts that come with the original Reality Factory download? If so, how can I put them into my game? Also, is there a place I could download more? Thanks!
Re: Can I assign a script to an actor that it was not intend
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:16 pm
by megatop
yes there is a place you can download more and make your own actors. yo can find a bunch of actors at like the badguy1.act but you will need to make a script for him. Also you can make your own useing milkshape3d which will run you 35 dollars
Re: Can I assign a script to an actor that it was not intend
Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:45 pm
by bweinstein
I downloaded a sample game and got the actor file and the script for the actor. Then, I also added the pawn information to the pawn file in the install folder. When I went to add them to my game nothing shows up. I put the information in the pawn entity in the RFEditPro and still nothing happened. Am I missing something I should do?
Re: Can I assign a script to an actor that it was not intend
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:54 am
by megatop
example badguy1.s for the script order and Spawn for spawn order
What actors (.act) go with the sample scripts?
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:44 am
by bweinstein
I have no ability to program or create actors myself, so I was wondering what actors are available that would actually work the the sample scripts that come with Reality Factory. I would prefer enemy pawns. Thanks!
Any actors, their scripts, and pawn.ini info??
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:00 pm
by bweinstein
I was wondering if anyone had, or knew where to download not only enemy pawn actors, but scripts that work with them. Also, the information I should type in for them in the pawn.ini file. I am really tired of just having the robot to fight! Thanks!
Re: Any actors, their scripts, and pawn.ini info??
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:00 pm
by megatop
actuly yes there is a way to make a new pawn. i did. i downloaded a badguy1.act at this link. unfortunetly you have to make a script for him. i made one from him. i hope this helps. Also check out this link for a tutorial on it.
hope this helps
Re: Can I assign a script to an actor that it was not intend
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:38 pm
by QuestOfDreams
You have by now posted the same or similar question 4 times, starting a new topic for each.
This is not the way you should approach your problems. It will get you nowhere.
If nobody answers your posts then you can a) wait a bit longer for someone to answer or b) try to think for yourself.
It's for example not that difficult to open one of the generic scripts in the sample folder and try to figure out which variables need to be changed for specific actors. There are comments in the script files that even indicate which variables to change ... it really can't get much more simpler ...
RealityFactory is meant to help you make your own game. Neither is it a game nor will it make a game for you.