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Community game

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:42 am
by revolutiongames2004
You guys know what would be fun, a community game, where everyone imputs something,

Anyone else agree?

Ideas Suggestions and what have you can go below. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:48 am
by Microman171
I agree. I'm good with menu graphics but I cant put in the numbers in the menu INI to make it work but yeah that would be cool

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:50 am
by revolutiongames2004
any one else wanna join the community train?
wouldnt it be nice to sell a game you helped make to help support the community, and be a part of the team?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:53 am
by revolutiongames2004
the topic is open for discussion and anyone w/ an idea can post it.
anyone who wanted to make a game and didnt think that they could, now you chance to post it. Aller Aller (go go in french)

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:48 pm
by animatrix
This has been tried before, I hope you have more luck than previous

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:32 pm
by SithMaster
It has been suggested but i have a good idea for a team effort. Its a massive multiplayer online game. You have generals who play the game in a master of orion 3 type fashion. then some play as fighter pilots others as starship commanders or gunners. then you have infantry 1st person action. So its like planetside only with more roles to play. i was going to work on it with a friend but if anyone here is interested thatd speed up dev time.

otherwise i would be interested in making a joint effort game.

i can:
model in 3ds max 6
concept art/ideas
level design

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:06 pm
by AndyCR
many problems with that...

1. rf doesnt have multiplayer...
2. cost of server would be unpayable...
3. we dont have enough people to fionish it before about 7 years...

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:35 pm
by SithMaster
I know there is currently no multiplayer support. I was just providing n idea to start off with. Also i was just planning on having just one level or such as a community demo so eventually when there is enough support more features could be implemented.

I also said that im open to any other ideas. Id prefer a fps game but anything else would be fine. Though i would like to personalize anything i make while keeping it to the design of the game.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 8:53 pm
by GD1
well, guys, i really hate to burst your bubble, but this will never work out.

open source for confined development (such as making a game) does not work. the open source theory works to create and better a program by people adding what they think it needs. this is the exact opposite of what a game needs, it needs one person to define all story, artwork, and concepting, and then a team of experienced people to carry out that idea.

With so many ideas flowing and so many people having different opinions and levels of devotion, you will end up with a game that is A) not finished B) has clashing art and story elements C) is full of bugs and D) does not follow a coherent pattern.

I mean, if honestly think you can do it, and you succeed, all the more power to ya. but frankly, its been done a hundred times before by this community and others and always ends in disaster in less than a month.

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 10:07 pm
by revolutiongames2004
so you say that it needs a story and i have one.
If you are interested plez reply.

Im not going to type it up unless I have an attentive willing audience. I have learned that this community doesnt like to hear me out.

But if you listen I will lead you.

anything but MMO

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:27 pm
by gekido
You have no idea how many Indie's that I've talked to that want to 'make an MMO'.

This is quite possibly the most complicated type of game to create, even the big companies like Sony can't get it right.

If you are looking to create a game with zero budget or resources, then you need to start SMALL.

If you want to use RF, then you need to look at the technology and design a game that uses RF's features and capabilities, instead of trying to pigeonhole a game into RF, particularly without any programmers.

I have always believed that a community game is a great idea, however actually getting people to contribute and produce something is a whole other story.

My suggestions (if you are looking for them) is to create an FPS game.

FPS games are the easiest to create for a number of reasons.
1) they don't require any complex animations for the player character, simply weapons. This is the main reason that so many mod's are FPS games as well.

2) FPS games are the easiest to create in RF - yes you can create other types of games, but FPS are the easiest for a beginning team to create (see #1)

3) FPS games can be made to look good simply with a good environment - you can create a wide array of first-person gameplay types in RF very easily without scripting or a lot of animations.

FPS games also have a number of other advantages - a single level designer can create the majority of the environments, and the other team members can contribute weapons, graphics (menu's hud etc), props and so on, without the game being stalled by someone being slow or disappearing (which will happen).

Anyways, that's my 2 bits.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:54 am
by revolutiongames2004
ok. so who is with gekido?
I am.

FPS all the way?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 7:31 am
by rgdyman
I'll jump on board.

How far have you gooten to orginize this?
I know you have the story.
Do you have a lay out and the such?
A layout for "jobs" for each person?
We'll need to farm out specific areas to different people. Map layout. Textures Script, and the such.

Let me know. I'll be on board! :P

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 6:01 pm
by Microman171
I'm in with you on the 2d graphics

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:05 am
by SithMaster
now you guys have my full attention. an fps game is what i really want to make. i have been playing call of duty 2 which has only increased my desire to make one. if you guys are going to have a community fps then you can count me in of you want my help.