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Replace level texture

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:35 pm
by Veleran
I tried to replace a level texture with another one using flipbook and it did nt work,the bitmap paths are right,and no result.
I have nt found another entity for replacing world brushes textures yet.

There is a rectangle brush with a glyph texture which will glow when you pull some switch.

I could also add two glyph actors instead of the bsp brush,-one for the border with cut out to the shape of the glyph,
and one shape for glyph that could change ambient by triggering to look like it is glowing.
Having two actors for each glyph adds more to the number of entities,there is one glyph above the door and one more above the switch.

Re: Replace level texture

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:19 am
by QuestOfDreams
There's a flipbook example in one of the RF demo levels, so it works, no doubt. Make sure the texture has the right dimensions. Check the entity parameters again and post them if it still won't work.

Re: Replace level texture

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:59 pm
by Veleran
I cant find the flipbook in the demo.But,i checked again the manual,removed the .bmp from the texture to replace entry and it worked-thank you very much.