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Hello World! (Again)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:15 am
by Nighthawk0973
Yeah most of you probably already know me. I'm the one and only nighthawk. Somebody deleted my account for some reason so I just made a new one :lol:

Anyways my blog is here:

My Youtube Channel is here:

I'm a Moderator at the forum here:

And now for a little bit about myself:

I'm a programmer, not an artist. I like C# and Java and suck at HTML. I like Mozilla Firefox 6 and I use Windows XP though I'd like to use Windows 7

Re: Hello World! (Again)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:10 am
by QuestOfDreams
No one deleted your account. Please, use your original account ... And there's really no need to introduce yourself again - locked.