Bounding box does not turn with the actor

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Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by incenseman2003 »

I have created an actor and successfully got it running in the game. However the bounding box does not turn with the actor in game. The bounding box will stay facing one way and the actor will will turn as needed. The actor is an army tank and I am using a modified robot.s.

How does one fix this?

Also I cannot get a pawn to follow a path using any of the following: PathFollower, ScriptPoint or PathPoint. I have tried many different ways of setting them up and Pawn will not follow a path. I have set the pawn spawn order to Patrol and still no positive results.

Has this feature been turned off like the sound for electric bolts and other entities?
Last edited by incenseman2003 on Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by Allanon »

RF uses axis aligned bounding boxes, they will not turn with the actor. For example if you have a line as an actor the bounding box will not rotate with the line it will create a box that is aligned with the axis but also stretched to engulf the entire actor.
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Re: Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by incenseman2003 »

The bounding box thing is not cool but it is what it is.

What about getting a pawn to follow a path and certain entities to allow sound?
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Re: Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by Allanon »

incenseman2003 wrote:What about getting a pawn to follow a path and certain entities to allow sound?
The ScriptPoint entity will allow you to create paths for pawns and the PathPoint entity will allow you to make paths for entities. And there is the AudioSource3d entity that allows you to add sound to your level.

Please read the documentation that comes with RF and the free ebook "Making 3D Games with Reality Factory".

Page 131 of the ebook covers using script points to move a pawn.
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Re: Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by incenseman2003 »

Pawns will not follow scriptpoints
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Re: Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by Allanon »

Post your script so we can see what it's doing.
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Re: Bounding box does not turn with the actor

Post by incenseman2003 »

It is the stock robot script with no modifications.

also now I find that in a level where I had pawns attacking pawns, the pawns no longer attack each other. I had it working and now it is not. Not sure why. They are also using the stock robot script with no modifications. Except the groups they belong to and who they are hostile to.
Patience and tolerance are the keys to the passage of knowledge. Even those that are the most knowledgeable started with many questions.
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