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Character starts out on his stomach.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:05 am
by Shall not be known.
Hey. Im just starting to fiddle with the map editor tools, and after I did a "creat a basic sqare level" tutorial, I previewed in engine, and when it started, the character (the default "Virgil" actor) started out lying on his stomach. He ran and jumped and everything, but he was on his stomach all the while. It looked like he was doing the worm badly. Is there any way I can fix this?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:09 am
by hike1
line 13,042 RF FAQ

Demos, tuts at

The player falls flat on his face and stays there. When I try to move him, he walks up and down the floor staying within the floor, as if he's crawling. When I press the Spacebar to make him jump, however, he does move upward (while still staying in the horizontal position paralel to the floor). I tried to play around w/ PlayerStart: Angle properties, and the furtherst I've gotten is getting him to fall on his back, instead of his face. I've also payed w/ PlayerSetup: actor rotation options, and the gravity option and didn't get anywhere either.

A. copy the rotation values from those in the demo level that comes with rf. note that with these, due to a bug, you will have to in first person hit F1 or the view will flicker. this will not occue when you make your own player model if the player model is correctly angled right from the modeling program (virgil's angles are mixed up, i believe due to 3ds max using different angles than rf)

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:11 am
by hike1
also line 12,742

Ernie.act doesn't have this problem.

it flickers like crazy, showing, it seems, partly the level rightside up and partly the level up-side down (my pawns are sticking to the cieling!). this does not occur if you set levelviewpoint to 1 (third person), or if you manualy switch to first or third person with the F.... keys. this did not occur on previous releases of RF072A. I wish i could get a screenshot to show you, but it simply shows it normal in a shot; itd need to be a video, which would be large.

A. Seems like RF doesn't like an ActorRotation of (-90, 180, 0) in 1st person Confused (which is necessary for max actors, e.g. virgil.act), if you use the sarah.act from 072 you just need to rotate her 0 180 0 and this works fine
I'll do some more investigation on this topic

bug was in CPlayer::LoadConfiguration()
X and Z of ActorRotation shouldn't be used at all when setting the cameraoffset in 1st person view


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:29 am
by Shall not be known.
Thanks alot guys. That really helped. Now Virg is straight up again :D