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what do i do?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 7:39 pm
by abmbc
ive got reality factory 0.76.1 and i want to create a first person shooter.

i recently saw a tutorial on how to do it but i cant find certian entities.
there are only four that come up in the drop-down list in the entities tab, and theres no indication that a "playerSetup", "player start" or any other entities even exist. (exept in the user manual and even in there, theres nothing that tells you how to access them from the program.
i just dunno what to do...

Re: what do i do?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:51 pm
by Allanon
Make sure you installed Reality Factory to C:\RealityFactory and not C:\program files\RealityFactory. Also make sure your level options looks like this:


Re: what do i do?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:51 am
by abmbc
ok i reinstalled it/re-updated it and it worked!

all of the entities appeared, but when i tryed to load my (unfinished) map i had to re-type all of their directories, and once i done that, its back to square one. (Only) the same four came up...

at first i thought i had to start my map all over again so i did and still only four came up... its always the same ones...

Re: what do i do?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:08 pm
by Allanon
The headers directory is the key to the editor finding the entities so make sure it's correct. The level might change it when it's loaded.

Also you can edit your level's .3dt file with a text editor and change all the directory paths manually if you want. The .3dt file is just a text file.