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Better map support...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:59 pm
by wxb1
Well... I'm back again... I've been working on some things that I hope to release soon... My goal more than ever is to release one game based on the current RF technology with tweaks from the community at large and my own tweaks... To that end you will start seeing me release some of my tweaks as I pursue finishing my game... Hopefully people will still be interested in these new features but if not I'll release them anyway!
I will be checking in and out as much as I can but I have become very busy... But I do still plan to complete/release EVERYTHING that I have stated I would in the past... anyways...
My latest diversion is better map file import... The samples I'm using a generated from truegene but since the import code is in RF edit (and equivalents) it will be beneficial for ALL...
Good robot
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:06 pm
by wxb1
Here's the good robot....
YOu can see that there is much better detail and splitting of brushes! I've got more tests to do but this seems to be working quite well it of course is not perfect... the "good robot" had two errant brushes in it that I had to delete but again this is much better than before... My goal here is to be able to use my favorite modeler (truespace) then export the geometry into RF editors as map files...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:20 pm
by AndyCR
so this actually will accept non-bsp-safe geometry? if so, that is simply amazing, and opens entirely new horizons for game developers...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:42 pm
by wxb1
It will MAKE BSP complient geometry! It is not perfect though but so far it has done a way better job than the original import code... It will basically slice the geometry up into code that import process will accept as valid...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:50 pm
by wxb1
Here's the original robot in truespace... to compare the quality...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:01 pm
by AndyCR
wow. perfect. how visibility-friendly (the part of the compile process) is it?
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:33 pm
by GD1
wow! i can see this being REALLY USEFUL!!
if we get this working then we will be able to make much more complex and detailed levels a whole lot easier than before!
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:49 am
by Guest
AndyCR wrote:wow. perfect. how visibility-friendly (the part of the compile process) is it?
Don't know yet... I'm going to run it through in a in-game test in a day or two....
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 6:17 am
by Spyrewolf
Hey Wxb1!
This is really promising stuff so many features comming along this has been a good week in terms of new features, can't
will this work for BSP, MAP imports as well? or just 3ds based geometry..
'cos one of the things i find happens alot, when i import from worldcraft/hammer editor is that Rfeditpro and worldedit, is that when geometry is on certain angles (from vertex editing) is lost in the transistion,
this will be great for my on-ramps for the freeway's in my game as they curve around in strange angles curently they're static meshes, but if i could get as bsp's all the better!! (look just a little outta place for some reason..)
cool thanks looking forward to this!
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:40 pm
by wxb1
Well It looks like I have another problem.... If you full vis compile then you an insane amount of portals... I'm assuming this is because there may be space between the geometry? I'll have to investigate... But here is an in-game shot of the robot with regular compile or when the brushes are flagged detail (and of course the vis detail brushes are not checked)...
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:22 pm
by hike1
You might want to check out and get their
maxscript Gamebuilder 2.2 for Gmax. They have a 3.0 version for $30 or $40 that supposedly won 't allow any bad brushes
out of Gmax or max, haven't tried it, kind of expensive. Might
be cheaper than knocking yourself out. I thought decorative
detail stuff would be better on the FPS as Static Entities or
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:13 am
by wxb1
Ultimately your right the decorative stuff is better done with actors and static meshes but I have whole levels done in truespace that I want to import... besides since I've been working with the brush code I've gained the an understanding of it's import routine... And I'm about 90% done with this code... I'm guessing the problem with the portals is that when I split the geometry I'm getting visiblility between the brushes which is probably causing portals? This seems easy to fix... scale up the face that causes the split so that so each piece touches the other? well... I was going to give up on this code a month ago but I'm so very close to being able to import that geometry without recreating in the world editor...
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:35 pm
by wxb1
Ok... I think this code is ready... The increased portal thing is normal... A simple test of recreating one of the test maps in the world editor generates the same amount of portals... If you want to reduce the portals your just going to have to flag the brushes as detail...
Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:11 pm
by Veleran
Wxb1,i am greatly interested in using your world editor.
Can you please post a download link?
I am using 3ds max,and already downloaded the free truespace 3.2
to import levels as .dxf from Max and re-save them as truespace .cob.
(3ds import in truespace does nt work correctly).
I got the truegene actor/map exporter for truespace but could nt convert any .cob object to .map.
Truegene writes a .map file but RF editors dont load any object when i open the .map.
The test i did was with a simple box-which does nt need enhanced map support.
Whatever scale i use during export,the editor loads nothing.
However,when truegene converts it to an actor,i can see this box with actorviewer.
I propably need someone to help me convert the .cob levells with truegene to .map.
if we get the new editor from wxb1.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:09 pm
by wxb1
Well... you and me both... I had this code on my job's gateway laptop which now refuses to take a charge (battery) and also refuses to work with the power cord... It may just need a new battery but I'm going to have look into it further... I WILL do everything I can to get this information as it was a complete struggle to write the new import brush code (I don't want to write it again)...