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RF and RF2

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:35 pm
by realgaming135

I know it's quite some time ago that anyone talked about this, but I'm just curious.
Are there still someone working on RF or RF2?
I've read that it should be a dead project... Both RF and RF2. And it's a long time since last update, so I think I know the answer.
But I was also thinking, what if it's a bigger update. But well, as I said, I'm just curious.
So if anyone knows if they are still in development, I would like to know ;)

thanks :)

Re: RF and RF2

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:01 pm
by bernie
The overwhelming silence should answer your question. The last commit to RF2 repository was 1st jun3 2011 2 1/2 years ago. Paradoxnj who was writing RF2 has not been on the forum since last may, so it would appear the project is dead. Only QOD can answer the question about RF1 but I would say it's pretty much dead now. There are plenty of alternatives now anyway. Neoaxis version 2.0 is due for release in the next month or so with new licensing arrangements much better for indies and commercial alike. It's also very easy use, not as easy as RF but easy enough. scripting in c# which is easier than c++, simkin or lua.

Re: RF and RF2

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:20 pm
by realgaming135
Yes ofcourse. I was thinking ''it might be a stupid question to ask'', but RF have, or rather had alot of potential in my opinion. It's easy to use for people new to game developing, and I like the ''old-style'' game you can make. So I think I'll still be using it for some time :)
Anyway, thank you for answering my question. It shows that there's still someone on the forums ;)

Re: RF and RF2

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:46 pm
by Gamemaker
Hi! Haven't been here for looong long time, but I had the exact same question. I was working on my last project 2,5 years ago and I'm very interested of working on stuff with RF again. I think if you continued the RF2 project, the forum would be much more active again and we could work with our old buddies again :) I would be on top of the world if RF2 continued and would do anything to help you, RF development team!


Re: RF and RF2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:03 pm
by realgaming135
yeah, that would be awesome :D

Re: RF and RF2

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:55 pm
by tgrech
It'd be great, but I don't think there's anyone left committed to it.