Okay, how can I put this...
does anyone know some kind of "weapons for dummies" tutorial?
I needs help. Also, how can I make meelee weapons and add punching and kicking and wepon bonuses and...
just help me please im clueless.
BTW the game I'm planning has no guns in it... all meelee weapons, but most of them are like clubs and stuff.
And there's a sword
Weapons for dummies? Need help im a dummy.
ive never tried to make melee weapons, but i believe its covered in the manual. i posted a very basic weapon example in the general topics forum; that might help.
RF2 site: http://realityfactory2.sourceforge.net/
RF2 tasks: http://sourceforge.net/pm/?group_id=179085
RF2 tasks: http://sourceforge.net/pm/?group_id=179085
I will tell a few words,and anyone can implement or correct.
For 3rd person weapons:
The weapon uses some of the animations of the player-
you must make some extra animations for each weapon-otherwise all weapon melee or not,will animate the same.
1-You must have the player skeleton in a modeling program-(i recommend 3ds max).
2-Animate the player to slash,pierce and whatever and then:
export each animation.
If you make animations with the player holding the weapon for inspiration-delete the weapon meh before exporting.
3-Open in actorstudio the Player and add all the motion animations of the weapon you have exported.
I advise add a few at the time-rebuild all,and then add more motions.
4-Then,you open the weapon.ini,and add the weapon you want the list of the animations you made,to be used.
add the animation names after the 3rd person weapon settup-it musst be something like this:
; Battle axe
type = weapon
slot = 0
firerate = 0.25
catagory = melee
attribute = Pawnhealth
altattribute = health
damage = 100
altdamage = 200
ammunition = stamina
ammopershot = 20
attacksound = weapon//swordmiss1.wav
hitsound = weapon//swordslash1.wav
emptysound = weapon//swordmiss1.wav
meleexplosion = battleaxe_Flash
meleeammoactivate = true
; 1st person
viewactor = Weapon\Dwarfskeleton.act
viewfillcolor = 0 0 0
viewambientcolor = 0 0 0
viewrotation = -93.1 182 -3.1
viewoffset = -1.3 -1.5 -0.9
viewscale = 0.23
viewanimspeed = 1
viewarmanim = Idle
viewidleanim = Idle
viewattackanim = Idle
viewaltattackanim = Idle
viewhitanim = Idle
viewalthitanim = Idle
viewwalkanim = Idle
; 3rd person
playeractor = Weapon\Axe1.act
playerfillcolor = 255 255 255
playerambientcolor = 0 0 0
playerrotation = -90 180 0
playerscale = 1
playerlaunchoffset = 0 0 10
ambientlightfromfloor = true
shootup = axewing1
aimup = Axeholdup
aimdwn = Axeholddown
walkshootup = Walkaxeslashup
walkshootdwn = Walkaxeslashdown
runshootup = Runaxehackup
runshootdwn = Runaxehackdown
slidetoleftshootup = SStrafeLeft2
slidetoleftshootdwn = SStrafeLeft1
slideruntoleftshootup = SStrafeRLeft2
slideruntoleftshootdwn = SStrafeRLeft1
slidetorightshootup = SStrafeRight2
slidetorightshootdwn = SStrafeRight1
slideruntorightshootup = SStrafeRRight2
slideruntorightshootdwn = SStrafeRRight1
jumpshootup = JumpShoot2
jumpshootdwn = JumpShoot1
fallshootup = FallShoot2
fallshootdwn = FallShoot1
crouchaimup = CAim2
crouchaimdwn = CAim1
crouchshootup = CShoot2
crouchshootdwn = CShoot1
crawlshootup = CrawlShoot2
crawlshootdwn = CrawlShoot1
crawlslidetoleftshootup = StrafeCLeftShoot2
crawlslidetoleftshootdwn = StrafeCLeftShoot1
crawlslidetorightshootup = StrafeCRightShoot2
crawlslidetorightshootdwn = Str
walkshootupback = WalkBackShoot2
walkshootdwnback = WalkBackShoot1
runshootupback = RunBackShoot2
runshootdwnback = RunBackShoot1
crawlshootupback = CrawlBackShoot2
crawlshootdwnback = CrawlBackShoot1
In this example,i placed some "axe" animation names for the first motions only,because the list is a little big-
you will name the animations what you like.
Propably these are all the necesary animations for the player,as he walks,runs and in the same time is fighting.
Note:Myself dont use crouch(crawl)animations-
i have disabled them in the control.ini
so i dont have to make animations for crawl movement and fighting.
I know all these animations are many to make by yourself,but if you work slowly but frequently,you will make all the necessary motions.
If some melee weapon animations are missing-or the weapon has a diferent skeleton,the player will likely slide while moving and may not wave the weapon.
For 3rd person weapons:
The weapon uses some of the animations of the player-
you must make some extra animations for each weapon-otherwise all weapon melee or not,will animate the same.
1-You must have the player skeleton in a modeling program-(i recommend 3ds max).
2-Animate the player to slash,pierce and whatever and then:
export each animation.
If you make animations with the player holding the weapon for inspiration-delete the weapon meh before exporting.
3-Open in actorstudio the Player and add all the motion animations of the weapon you have exported.
I advise add a few at the time-rebuild all,and then add more motions.
4-Then,you open the weapon.ini,and add the weapon you want the list of the animations you made,to be used.
add the animation names after the 3rd person weapon settup-it musst be something like this:
; Battle axe
type = weapon
slot = 0
firerate = 0.25
catagory = melee
attribute = Pawnhealth
altattribute = health
damage = 100
altdamage = 200
ammunition = stamina
ammopershot = 20
attacksound = weapon//swordmiss1.wav
hitsound = weapon//swordslash1.wav
emptysound = weapon//swordmiss1.wav
meleexplosion = battleaxe_Flash
meleeammoactivate = true
; 1st person
viewactor = Weapon\Dwarfskeleton.act
viewfillcolor = 0 0 0
viewambientcolor = 0 0 0
viewrotation = -93.1 182 -3.1
viewoffset = -1.3 -1.5 -0.9
viewscale = 0.23
viewanimspeed = 1
viewarmanim = Idle
viewidleanim = Idle
viewattackanim = Idle
viewaltattackanim = Idle
viewhitanim = Idle
viewalthitanim = Idle
viewwalkanim = Idle
; 3rd person
playeractor = Weapon\Axe1.act
playerfillcolor = 255 255 255
playerambientcolor = 0 0 0
playerrotation = -90 180 0
playerscale = 1
playerlaunchoffset = 0 0 10
ambientlightfromfloor = true
shootup = axewing1
aimup = Axeholdup
aimdwn = Axeholddown
walkshootup = Walkaxeslashup
walkshootdwn = Walkaxeslashdown
runshootup = Runaxehackup
runshootdwn = Runaxehackdown
slidetoleftshootup = SStrafeLeft2
slidetoleftshootdwn = SStrafeLeft1
slideruntoleftshootup = SStrafeRLeft2
slideruntoleftshootdwn = SStrafeRLeft1
slidetorightshootup = SStrafeRight2
slidetorightshootdwn = SStrafeRight1
slideruntorightshootup = SStrafeRRight2
slideruntorightshootdwn = SStrafeRRight1
jumpshootup = JumpShoot2
jumpshootdwn = JumpShoot1
fallshootup = FallShoot2
fallshootdwn = FallShoot1
crouchaimup = CAim2
crouchaimdwn = CAim1
crouchshootup = CShoot2
crouchshootdwn = CShoot1
crawlshootup = CrawlShoot2
crawlshootdwn = CrawlShoot1
crawlslidetoleftshootup = StrafeCLeftShoot2
crawlslidetoleftshootdwn = StrafeCLeftShoot1
crawlslidetorightshootup = StrafeCRightShoot2
crawlslidetorightshootdwn = Str
walkshootupback = WalkBackShoot2
walkshootdwnback = WalkBackShoot1
runshootupback = RunBackShoot2
runshootdwnback = RunBackShoot1
crawlshootupback = CrawlBackShoot2
crawlshootdwnback = CrawlBackShoot1
In this example,i placed some "axe" animation names for the first motions only,because the list is a little big-
you will name the animations what you like.
Propably these are all the necesary animations for the player,as he walks,runs and in the same time is fighting.
Note:Myself dont use crouch(crawl)animations-
i have disabled them in the control.ini
so i dont have to make animations for crawl movement and fighting.
I know all these animations are many to make by yourself,but if you work slowly but frequently,you will make all the necessary motions.
If some melee weapon animations are missing-or the weapon has a diferent skeleton,the player will likely slide while moving and may not wave the weapon.
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:58 pm