ive never tried to make melee weapons, but i believe its covered in the manual. i posted a very basic weapon example in the general topics forum; that might help.
I will tell a few words,and anyone can implement or correct.
For 3rd person weapons:
The weapon uses some of the animations of the player-
you must make some extra animations for each weapon-otherwise all weapon melee or not,will animate the same.
1-You must have the player skeleton in a modeling program-(i recommend 3ds max).
2-Animate the player to slash,pierce and whatever and then:
export each animation.
If you make animations with the player holding the weapon for inspiration-delete the weapon meh before exporting.
3-Open in actorstudio the Player and add all the motion animations of the weapon you have exported.
I advise add a few at the time-rebuild all,and then add more motions.
4-Then,you open the weapon.ini,and add the weapon you want the list of the animations you made,to be used.
add the animation names after the 3rd person weapon settup-it musst be something like this:
In this example,i placed some "axe" animation names for the first motions only,because the list is a little big-
you will name the animations what you like.
Propably these are all the necesary animations for the player,as he walks,runs and in the same time is fighting.
Note:Myself dont use crouch(crawl)animations-
i have disabled them in the control.ini
so i dont have to make animations for crawl movement and fighting.
I know all these animations are many to make by yourself,but if you work slowly but frequently,you will make all the necessary motions.
If some melee weapon animations are missing-or the weapon has a diferent skeleton,the player will likely slide while moving and may not wave the weapon.
Okay I kinda get it now. Does that script make different weapons have different amounts of attack powers? Oh well, I'll figure this stuff out eventually...