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failed to create world question
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 3:06 pm
by Veleran
I would like to ask about the compile eror .\CGenesisEngine.ccp - Line 1260:Loaded level 'something' failed to create world.
Re: failed to create world question
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:47 pm
by QuestOfDreams
That message means that the level file has been opened for reading successfully but during the read process something went wrong (i.e. an invalid/corrupt file). At that stage it's difficult to tell what exactly went wrong.
Re: failed to create world question
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:05 pm
by Veleran
I changed something like remove a cut brush box from the wall,and it run level the preview.Could it be just that i made a change and it refreshed the file?
I will try saving with a new name just in case the file gets corrupted.
I noticed it happen when there were intersecting brushes near a cut brush.
Maybe it is just the radiocity file it writes that gets messed up from time to time.
Or,it happens when there are thin brushes near a cut brush like plaques coming out of the wall and a cut in the middle.
Maybe i intersected the brushes until i scale them and left a duplicate,maybe not.
The common thing was that it happened in places where there are thin brushes touching another behind where front one can get clipped at the rendering from a distance.
Re: failed to create world question
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:20 pm
by Veleran
I usually get the shut down when i use radiocity.I had this warning during compile with radiocity and after i deleted some vertical bars boxes 3 units thick it was fixed.
Bounce: 30, Energy: 0.04
TriPatch->NumTris >= MAX_TRI_TRISTri_Edge_r: Could not allocate triangle.
AbsorbPatches: Could not triangulate patches.
Warning: GBSP_LightGBSPFile failed for file: C:\RealityFactory - Dark Crypt\media\levels\dungeon1-1.bsp, GBSPLib.Dll.
Compile successfully completed
When i get this compile message i do not bother running the level preview because i know i might fail to load.
Re: failed to create world question
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:12 pm
by Veleran
I note i was using level compile sub directories more than the media/levels - looking like media\levels\dungeons\dungeon1 and so on.
I do not remember why in the past we had to use compile path media/levels and not more than that.
I have noticed when i use small lightmap scales of 0.1 world might fail to load and i get the same message .