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How to make a Falling Platform
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:13 am
by aicd99
Is there a way to make a plaform fall down 3 secs after the player lands on it ?
Re: How to make a Falling Platform
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:11 am
by steven8
Trigger>Logic Gate>Platform
Create an empty solid brush with a transparency of 1 placed right where the player steps onto the platform. Set the platform attributes bnocollide = true, playeronly = false, brunwhiletriggered = true, rideable = true, Triggername = LogicGate's szentityname
Create a Type 1 Logic Gate with delay set to 3 with a Triggername = the Trigger's szentityname
Create a Trigger attached to the trigger model, bnocollide = false, PlayerOnly = true
When the player passes through the invisible trigger brush, it will turn the trigger on, which will then activate the logic gate, which will wait three seconds, then trigger the platform.
Re: How to make a Falling Platform
Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:23 pm
by aicd99
Thank you steven 8