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075 crashes before it even starts...
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:40 pm
by MakerOfGames
After copying and pasting the files from the zip folder of 072A to 075 to my copy of RF 072A I tried to launch 075. The screen goes black, looks like it will start to work and then when the Genesis3D logo should appear I get this message: "Reality Factory has encountered a problem and needs to close. Blah blah blah(stuff about if you were in the middle of somthing and havent saved your data might be lost, typical Windows message when a program crashes.)" And then it offers to send this error to microsoft. So 075 crashes evertime I try to lauch it. Windows doesnt seem to like it very much.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:29 pm
by Jay
I had this problem too. It could be a problem with the overcopied RealityFactory.ini...Or something with the menu *.ini file. If you still have your old ones then copy them over the new and it will work. Or change everything in them so that it works. Sorry i cannot help you more, but i hope this helps.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:36 pm
by AndyCR
i would reccomend, if what MOG suggested dosen't work, to install RF 072 fresh to another directory, then install the patch over it. if it runs without crashing, gradually reintroduce your files until it crashes, then youll know which one is causing the crash.
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:32 pm
by MakerOfGames
I reinstalled the 072A update overtop of 075 and RF worked. So then I recopied all files from the 075 update EXCEPT Reality Factory.exe and the RealityFactory.ini. It worked. I copied the 075 exe back to the RF folder, and it crashed same as before. So the new RF exe wont run on my computer? Is that bad? or can I just use the exe from 072?
Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:54 pm
by jonas
I had that problem.
Mine had on error of were the background files were, for the menu.
go through and make sure the locations in the ini are correct
did you get on error log?
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:06 am
by AndyCR
no, i meant install a fresh copy of 072a, then install the patch over it, see if it runs, and if it does, slowly transfer your levels, scripts, ini's (except realityfactory.ini), etc over.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:09 am
by MakerOfGames
Ok, I will try it, but I think it might be important to know this too. After doing what I have posted above, I then kept the old exe and added in the new rf.ini the genesis 3D splash would show but then would crash when the RF splash should show up. With the old exe and ini I have found that I can run some of the new levels except for rftechv1. I can veiw it in RF edit pro in the quick veiw with engine but when in RF and I choose to start a new game ,with that level as the starting level designated in the ini editor, it crashes. This is because the old rf.exe does not have the new feautures that the level is showing off? Ok, im done rambling, im gonna try to wipe it out again...(like the 6th time in less than a day) and try adding in the files one by one now.) Is it possible the RF.exe is corrupt from the download? Ill download the installer again just to be sure. Ill be posting back here shortly...
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:29 am
by AndyCR
oh, duh... now that i think of it, i believe levels have to be recompiled under the new version before they will work. I should have remembered that before.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:52 am
by MakerOfGames
Ok, I got 075 to work. I downloaded the 072A from june or july updated, I was using 072 with the patch from like January and redownloded the 075 update. I copied all the files but it crashed. replaced the ini with the one from 072A and it works! Now, I have another problem. I was playing the demo level and the gaurd saw me and the level crashed giving me the following error:
"C:\RealityFactory\CMenu.cpp-Line 8006: No defined Font #9 ( FONT 10 in menu.ini" I hope this can easily be resovled.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:59 pm
by QuestOfDreams
The RealityFactory.ini file has changed for this release and it does work properly if you didn't delete any files from the RF072A install. This is an update for a full install of Reality Factory 072A, available on the downloads page. You should NOT mix ini files of different versions.
Also - as always when the GameEntityDataTypes.h file changes - your levels need to be recompiled to work with a new version
Also the menu.ini was changed which you obviously didn't copy to your install, that's why you get this error
C:\RealityFactory\CMenu.cpp-Line 8006: No defined Font #9 ( FONT 10 in menu.ini)
Fonts are defined in the menu.ini. As the error message says the font #9 is not defined. So what could this probably mean?
Jus as a note: I have changed this so that FONT 10 is defined because it is needed when you're doing weapon positioning in-game
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:28 pm
by MakerOfGames
I got it all to work now. Thanks for the help.
fresh install
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:48 pm
by gekido
i mentioned this on the announcement thread, but even with a fresh install of RF and after applying the patch, the engine crashes on whatever default level it's launching on my machine. could be a video setting in the d3d ini file, haven't checked that, but it runs the basic level after i recompile the level from the editor.
the tech demo crashes even after recompiling the level.