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RF2 Feature Requests
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:26 pm
by AndyCR
Feel free to post any feature requests for RF2 in this thread.
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:32 am
by MakerOfGames
It would be nice to have:
Advanced Physics
Cloth simulation physics
skinned rag doll
online multiplayer
To make my wishes more outlandish, it would be nice to have those features without needing a 2+Ghz processor with a top notch grapics card. If it cant be done, then I would be happy with regular (nonskined) physics and multiplayer.
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:43 am
by AndyCR
all are definite possibilities, though cloth physics is very unlikely.
basically, making rf anew will be quite difficult when the original rf is still being developed - it is nearly, if not totally, impossible to keep up. therefore, if i feel something like physics, or multiplayer, etc would delay the release, it would be a tough decision whether to release then without that feature and re3lease a patch later that added that feature or release later with that feature.
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:58 am
by Xenogaska
it would be nice just to have the basics working really well. Just make sure that all normal things work with the first release. I would rather have AI and all of those things working rather well before I need ragdoll physics and all of that.
although if this is what you want
"wishfull list":
multiplayer with client and server.
advanced physics.
umm.. the ability to display images directly into my eyes retina making games have full virtual reality!!
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:06 am
by MakerOfGames
I must agree. If these features would delay the release, relaese the first version of it. Do not let these highly advacned play things hold the community of game makers back. I was posting as a wishful list. I would like to see those things in RF one day, but not the first release of RF2. Keep up the good work advancing this tech for all us nonprogramers.
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:24 am
by Spyrewolf
although if this is what you want
"wishfull list":
multiplayer with client and server.
i've got to admit thats on the top of my list also,
also normal mapping with specular effets as well
if possible POV and blurring effect
and everything RF has currently got
Good luck Andy, i have seen so many RF2's come through this community and die, just remember, no-one is expecting a miracles over night, just stick to your guns, and if it is too big of a project don't be afraid to admit defeat.
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:47 am
by AndyCR
Spyrewolf wrote:also normal mapping with specular effets as well
it has normal mapping, but takes it one step further with parallax mapping, which distorts the texture coordinates depending on where the camera is in addition to adjusting lighting. shot from the same engine rf2 uses:
not to get anyone's hopes too high, but this effect is the same thing as "virtual displacement mapping" - ie one of unreal engine 3's most realistic features.
dont know what you mean by specular effects, maybe you could explain what you mean?
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:31 am
by sriram
It'd cool to have all the DirectX 9 Shader effects
[normalmapping for level geometry,blur,haze,realtime reflections,bloom,blah blah]
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:10 am
by AndyCR
definitly should all be possible with shaders mainly (man i really need to research shaders) - i'll need some good artwork to showcase these though.
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:12 pm
by Spyrewolf
specular effects
maybe i spelt that wrong? i meant the shinyness of a texture, but it looks like the parallax mapping takes that into consideration
infact Parallax mapping would be fact it looks amazing!!!
just a question though are these created in the same way as a normal or heightmap?
either way very impressive!!
about the shaders i'll see if i can dig up the shader program off the net i found it's free and generates all types of shader effect from water through to dust and fire to explosions.....can't remeber the name of it however i'll do a bit of searching
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:31 pm
by AndyCR
ahh, shinyness, yes, there is a control for shinyness. i havent tried it on a metallic model yet, but on what it was used, it did its job.
basically, you can use a normal map or a heightmap for parallax mapping - rf2's engine dosent care, and can generate normal maps from heightmaps at runtime. and yes, normal/parallax mapping on level geometry should be there.
do you mean ati's rendermonkey? that woul;d be useful for generating shaders to test it with.
i'm leaving for a 1-week trip tomorrow, and i plan to work on rf2 while i'm gone.
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:36 am
by Xenogaska
sounds like this is coming right along then. I am very glad there are kind people like you man.
Also this question may be a bit dumb, but is the level editor going to be the exact same?
thanks for your hard effort (its because of people like you and quest of dreams, and nout, and yeah all of those people that people like me can pretend they have the ability to make games)
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:56 am
by AndyCR
no tool will remain unchanged to some extent - however, what changes there are are very minor, such as the screenshot of the ini editor, simply added a tab system for the two cutscene options and rearranged the ui a bit, rfeditpro will likely lose the staticmesh entity and gain a staticmesh brush so to speak, due to models as level geometry being such a high possibility in rf2, etc.
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:12 am
by Spyrewolf
just a quick question, are you building this RF2 from the ground up or from an exsisting engine?....
as for Render monkey yep that looks like the was a while ago since i looked at it but it seem to be the one
In other words, I am remaking Reality Factory from the ground up, on a new engine, while retaining the same exact development pipeline as RF075 and below.
NM i read up on your blog page...
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:37 am
by jonas
so how hard would it be to make an editor in realtime? That would be really cool. I know it would be kinda, hard to get it into the first release but maybe for later on.