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RF CodeBase Oddities
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:35 pm
by AndyCR
I found some funny things in the RF codebase while digging through it, so I decided to start a thread to hold them all, as a humor kind of thing.
In one instance, the destructor of one class calls a function in a class, then deletes that class, and the destructor of THAT class calls the very same function.
Then theres this:
// You only need one include file.
#include "RabidFramework.h"
#include <process.h>
Yeah, one include file...
delete pTemp; // ZAP! It's dead, Jim.
Ooookaaay, it's dead alright.
Anyone else know of any?
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:18 am
by QuestOfDreams
well, even programmers need some fun from time to time
there are quite a few funny things in the source:
Code: Select all
// Ok, check to see if there are ElectricBolt in this world
pSet = geWorld_GetEntitySet(CCD->World(), "ActMaterial");
// Ok, we have logic gates somewhere. Dig through 'em all.
Code: Select all
pEntry->localRotation = theRotation; // Set it, and forget it!
Code: Select all
return RGF_FAILURE; // This bus is PACKED!
return RGF_FAILURE; // Yo, he's not in MY cab
Code: Select all
// If Winblows has something to say, take it in and pass it on in the
// someone cares.
while (PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
Code: Select all
m_Streams[m_LoopingProxy]->Stop(); // Stop it.
delete m_Streams[m_LoopingProxy]; // Kill it
m_Streams[m_LoopingProxy] = NULL; // Crush it
delete m_FileList[m_LoopingProxy]; // Smear it
m_FileList[m_LoopingProxy] = NULL; // Be mean to it!
m_LoopingProxy = -1; // ..and make it go away.
Code: Select all
// End of the force-the-bitmap-to-be-ready code. Blech.
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:01 am
by Pete
don't forget the dreaded...
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:42 am
by hike1
Most of those are by Ed Averill, the Founding Father of RF, he's into torque now:
See him at