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HUD questions....

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:08 pm
by AlcaponeGr
I need an HUD that shows following suspects:

1. Health
2. Level
3. Power

I thought id take the hud script from the Compass as i dont need it and insert a sprite of the hud and put health over it ... but how do i put level and power over it as they dont exist??? They should be numerical!!! .....
so how do i create more HUD's

any idea???


I apologize for my bad english!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:11 pm
by Juutis
HUD is defined in the hud.ini file, it's not a script (or at least I think it's not...). There you can add HUD elements just by adding something like this to the file:

type = numeric
frame = hud\level.bmp
framealpha = hud\a_level.bmp
framex = 0
framey = 64
indicatoroffsetx = 20
indicatoroffsety = 20
font = 11
width = 3

This would add an element called "Level" to the HUD showing the amount of player attribute "Level" and a .bmb image in position 0,64 on the screen. The font is a font that you define in the menu.ini file.

Check the manual for more detailed info.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:21 pm
by hike1 -You need the Office Key, Liquids, Timers, Fire Enemies, Jump Pads, Moving Electric Bolts, adding a HUD element.


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:15 am
by incenseman2003 actually contains a file called rele062. rele062 doesnt contain anything about " Liquids, Timers, Fire Enemies, Jump Pads, Moving Electric Bolts, adding a HUD element". It is a walkthrough on creating a conversation ( and a pretty one good to).

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:31 am
by AndyCR
hud elements are covered thouroughly in the docs,

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:03 am
by incenseman2003
If someone doesnt know what a hud is supposed to look like they will have a very difficult time making one and getting it to work. I followed the online help. It only took me just so far. I did get the hud images to appear in the game but they are just place holders, all the wrong shapes and such, until I find out what general rules are to be followed for the bitmaps behind it all. Are they bars or dials or pies graphs or what? I see that the online help, in alot of places are exerpts from the forum. A simple walkthrough with pics would have been alot shorter to write and much more detailed. Im sure that there was alot of time spent on them and the effort is appreciated. They hold alot of info but few outright answers. It leaves the inexperienced to flounder in alot of ways. Is there any way to get access to actual detailed tutorials other than the very few that are posted in the forums?

Keep up the good work. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:53 am
by hike1 actually contains a file called rele062. rele062 doesnt contain anything about " Liquids, Timers, Fire Enemies, Jump Pads, Moving Electric Bolts, adding a HUD element". It is a walkthrough on creating a conversation ( and a pretty one good to).

O.K. I found the right one it's at, the text part is
below: Next time please PM me with errors as I rarely
check these posts.

Demos at

Asylum demo at

What is happening: Player tries to 'U'se the door by pressing the "U" key while the door is under the crosshairs. Note: if you don't see a crosshairs, go to /options/controls/advanced to turn it on.

A message pops up: "You need the Office Key", door won't open. Player gets the Office Key, a message pops up "You got the office key" Player hits "I" for inventory, uses the "[" or "]" bracket keys to select the Office Key, hits "ENTER"

to select it, then can press "U" to use the key on the door.

then player opens door.


make an attribute that will show up in the inventory, Officekey, you need to make the bitmaps, a 128x96, with an alpha map as shown above, these appear on the inventory screen, and 64x48 one with alpha, that appears in the upper right hand corner of the game screen. See '' or '' on how to make alpha maps.

Then make entries in player.ini, inventory.ini, and hud.ini as shown. Now you can put an 'Officekey' attribute in the level, see 'You got the weapon', for how to make the message 'you got the Office Key' and also 'You Need the Office Key' for when you try to open the door without having the key.

2. make a door entity, set Nocollide=false and UseKey=true. Give it a trigger1name of 'keygate'. Make a Logic gate of type 10- 'this only works if you have a certain attribute selected'. Give it a trigger1name of 'Officekey'.

Give it an szentityname of 'keygate'.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:05 pm
by GD1
Muzzer made an excellent tutorial on creating HUD elements, complete with all the pictures you could ever want. You can find it here:

If you want a numeric health counter instead of a health bar you just need to make a few tweaks in the .ini files. What this tutorial doesn't cover should be in the docs, but if you have any more questions let us know.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:16 pm
by incenseman2003

I have been looking through the online help for the better part of 12hrs. I cannot find the directions on how to get the radar to work. Can you please direct me?

I really need the radar. Is there a place in the help that gives details on how to get it to work and not just a description of what it is?

You guys are doing a super job.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:26 pm
by AndyCR
ive never tried to use radar. i remember it being default in older versions of rf (072-nonA, or 071, i THINK). you might also check out the demo jungle strike, i believe that has it.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:36 pm
by QuestOfDreams
I have been looking through the online help for the better part of 12hrs. I cannot find the directions on how to get the radar to work. Can you please direct me?
Obviously the information can be found under Heads Up Display: ... .htm#Radar
just add the required entries to the hud.ini file...

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:54 am
by incenseman2003
And that my friends is what to many hours of work and not enough sleep will do for you. :roll:

Its all there to.

I will go take a nap now. :lol:


Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:44 am
by incenseman2003

I did get the mentioned demo and played it. I liked the radar hud alot. I want to do something similar. I tore it all apart using the RFvfs.exe and set mine up just like int the demo using my own bitmaps. It showed in the game but the indicators did not show up to tell me where the enemy was. Are there special requirements for the bitmaps for things like the radar?

I did a test and replaced my bitmaps with the ones from the demo and now the game crashes with a generic windows error that says that the program has to close. There are no log entries made in the RealityFactory.log

I did notice that the demo in question was made with RealityFactory 071rc1. Are the requirements different for the INI entry from RF75?

Ok here is how I fixed it:
I saved the alpha as the main graphic and the main as the alpha. It works great now.

Would there be a reason that the levels that are wip just start failing to load, and leave no log entry and just fail with the generic windows error?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:06 pm
by AndyCR
there shouldnt be, as long as hidefromradar isnt set to true in the pawn entities.

i believe it would leave the generic error with most level design issues.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:26 pm
by incenseman2003
Last night I ran a test level to test the the new radar, ammo counter and health meter. It ran just the way that I needed it to. I tried to run it this am and it threw up the generic windows error and there are no log entries. If there were design issues they would have made them selves known when I tested the level. Is there any part of the RF software that has a history of instability?

I just swapped my vidcard form a GeForce 4000 to a 5200. The levels that didnt open before are opening now it seems. Will keep testing to see what happens.