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Screen shots of what I have done so far
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:05 pm
by Tabulanis
Here is a screen of the docking bay. The whole thing is going to be just a demo, but it's going good so far.
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:15 pm
by AndyCR
looking good, i assume it's an actor? rf might not like it much, hope you dont run into any problems with it.
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:01 am
by ZenBudha
Looks very nice. Hopefully RF won't give you any trouble with it.
I find aligning meshes in RF to be a royal pain in the rear. As well I am not sure how RF would like 1 large mesh conisting of tens of thousands of poly's.
However it's a hurdle I'm in the process of jumping myself. I find roughing out the level using .bsp geometry and then exporting to use as a rough guide for the detailed geometry of the actor to be a pretty good solution.
As well this way later all you have to do is flag the original geometry as clip brushes for collision only.
Another upshot is with the shadows burned into the textures one can simply use a default light in RF instead of lightmapping. Which will result in better geometry polygon optimization. Since a flat wall of an actor might only have 2 visible poly's. But a bsp wall with a lightmap might get cut into a dozen poly's depending on the lightmap scale.
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:26 am
by Tabulanis
Yep its and actor one of many but RF is handeling it very well. Its 1400 polys and I filled a whole section with maybe 30 of them just to make sure it would handle that and it was fine frame rates still way up there. Took a wile but finaly found a way to line up the acctors perfectly. There seems to be a problem when cloning actors the pivot gets moved alittle every time if you clone single actors so I jus added them seperatly then cloned large numbers.
The game runs fine but the editor runs slow as hell any one got a tip for making it run better?
Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:33 pm
by GD1
you could disable actor viewing in the view menu for when your not working with the actors. It'll speed it up a bunch.