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3rd Person problem

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:10 pm
by LukasH
I have include a 3rd Person Weapon.With the actor ernie.act it ok,
but with virgil.act...the weapon stand still but the actor is animated.
CAN ANYBODY HELP ME??? :?: :?: :?:

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:25 pm
by QuestOfDreams
the bones of the 3rd person weapons must match the bones of the player actor; all animations must be included in the player actor, not the weapon actor


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:14 pm
by LukasH
Very Thanks.
I think the error is in virgil.act the bones name is Bip01 R HAND and in the Weapon Bip01 R Hand.


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:27 pm
by LukasH
Hmmm I have changed it, but it wont work. Heres the sword actor file and the ernie actor file.I hope you can help me. :? :? :?