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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:03 pm
by Fierka
Hi, my name's is Tom and i'm from Poland in Reality Factory works long I have 16 years. I have such question or it was it been possible to make in reality factory game how Evil Island or Neverwinter Nights it walks me about camera and system RPG. As well as about this from how klick mouse then my player it runs hoes there where klick. PLS Help me. Give me Tutorial

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:15 pm
by AndyCR
Welcome to the forums.
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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:36 am
by Spyrewolf
Yes welcome to the boards Feirka,

i have never played either of the games you have mentioned but tradtionaly RPG's are Isometric camera views, you can produce this with RF, you need to read over the Doc's Thoroughly and play with the engine, to see what it is capable of, RF is very VERY versatile and you can create many types of games,
klick mouse then my player it runs
Nout has posted a demo on how do similar things but you need to have advanced knowledge on the scripting commands, this is something that should be atempted by advanced users unless you have a basic knowledge and understanding on C style scripting

but as i mentioned earlier you need to read all of the doc's and find out what the engine can do before starting the process of making the game!

Good luck once you have read everything and played a little then tell us what you are stuck on most are willing to lend a hand if you are completly stuck! :)