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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:30 pm
by Microman171
WOW dude you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im making a game based on our school. But we are getting permission from our principle so we can do on our school exactly. But if he says no then we will change the name of things and the people.. We have written a contract so we can put them in our game haha. I should make a website too. Im woking on our weapons at the moment. But I have started our logo thing aswell.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:07 pm
by psYco
thanks micro man! we were going to do the same thing but when we showed our headmaster the demo video he got confused and sed no! so we decided to forget him, change the name of the game and just make the school and seceretly get photos of all the teachers and the headmaster, and tell them to go ahead and sue us... our frends were happy to be in the game so they let us use them (we got into the school servers and took all of the school photos so we had every one :) )

@darkmaster: go back and read the whole thread before posting slanderous bull**** on sumones make shift devblog, okay? cause if you HAD red the whole thing like a congruous person would, you would notice that i had sed that i was planning to use the same animated style as the flash cartoon, and forgetting that i have again since then (many times) stated that that idea has been ditched and i now am using my very own graphic style. :evil:

@micro man: oh and good luck with your school game! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:57 pm
by Microman171
Just now Im working on our menu. I think I'll start again because I need a style. When is is all finished I am going to make a screenshot in-game and put that as a picture on the main menu along with the logo (I Finished yesterday).

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:20 pm
by psYco
Well, I have just now completed the face of the Whitch doctor character the Sangoma, it is the first ever face model ive ever made but I like it :) I havent made the eyes yet, I plan to make them seperately as spheres so they can roll and look around.


Also im about 80% finished with my Desighn Doc, which contains ALL details about game play cutscenes and story, I should be releasing that here as a PDF in a few weeks, its already about 40 pages! Anyway thats been good to kinda get my head around exactly what needs doing and when so ill be able to make some more progress :D

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:24 pm
by psYco
Okay, well, its been a while (and I just found that the thread was moved to Game Desighn, so thanks to the moderator who took the time to move it.

Well here is 'kinda' the first screenshot, although, I plan to change the textures a bit, this is just a idea of the games style, and im posting it mainly so one day when the game is done I can look back and see this. I threw this level together to test the scripted player I'm using (thank you Juutis) and thats working now, so i hope to start making some real progress soon.


Also im 100% finished the Desighn Document now, (its 50 pages!) I was thinking about posting it here, but It gives away the whole story + ending, so until I take the time to make a censored version, that will stay within the dev team. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:51 pm
by paradoxnj
Also im 100% finished the Desighn Document now, (its 50 pages!)
And you're below 18...impressive. :) Usually, people your age are just designing as they go. Keep up the good work. You got me hooked. I can't wait to see some more progress screens.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:42 am
by Juutis
And you're below 18...impressive. Usually, people your age are just designing as they go.
Indeed, I've done exactly like that until now. :)
I always thought that 'it's all here in my head, I don't need to write it down'. I even had a storyline figured out in my head, but mind tends to change and mix things. So the story was different every day. 8)

But now I have realized that it is best for everyone to have some documents.

Looking good, BTW. I like the style. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:04 pm
by psYco
Thanks Paradox,

@Juutis; yeah I did the same thing with School of the Dead, and it ended up not having a storyline LOL, well when we did the convorsations (where the story really is) we just did it in one day and made it up as we went. But also its really nice to come up with stuff as you go, but you should have a basic outline, just so you have some focus. also thanks.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:11 pm
by allen5924
omg! i love the Scrnshot! wow! i havent been on RF forums in like 4EVERRRR


dude! i think your idea of All the Textures being DRAWN... is... AMAZING!

well done dude!

oh and my dad took the net away in the morning when he went to work.. i 4got to tell him that you were sending me that file (remember)

oh well.. ill be on, on saturday.... going to Lukas's on Friday....

cheers bro

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:28 pm
by zany_001
D you still need a baobab tree(like on page two)?and if so, how many polys?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:52 pm
by psYco
No, its cool, thanks for the offer...

Scott kindly made if for us, which really love, also were going to use it in like 5 of the cutscenes, so thanks scott!!! :D Anyway i dont think ive put a pic of it up here now so here one is


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:53 pm
by zany_001
how many polys is it?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:58 pm
by psYco
its 3800 polys but bear in mind that its just for cutscenes, i have a version that i edited off of it, that has 1200 polys, but the cutscene version is actually going to have loads more simulated polys in 3D Studio...

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:59 pm
by zany_001
isnt 1200 polys abit much for an in game tree? i have trees at 150-400 polys

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:02 am
by psYco
Well, in my game there are no forrests, just desserts and if youve ever seen a baobab, its always the only one for miles...